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Satoru finally arrived at the gates of town of vale.there was people in line at the was for collecting was fee for entering town.satoru already had 99 gold coins and 100 silver coins which he exchanged before saying bye to gundalf. He had already asked gundalf about the currency of this world.
In this world,
1 gold coin = 100 silver coins
1 silver coin = 100 copper coins.
Quite easy to understand,isn't it?
Satoru didn't find any trouble in understanding it.he paid fees of 1 silver coin and entered the town.
He was amazed by the interior of the did not looks like a town but a beautiful city in medieval times from his world.there were shops here and there.
Different shops for armours,weapons,herbs,medicines and a lot.he found many slaves too who were working for their masters.satoru felt nothing about it because he understood that if he is gonna live in this world,he has to obey the rules of this world too.if he want to survive,he can't be naive.he was not hero of some science fiction and this was not sort of any game too.judging anything just from their view is just a foolishness.
Satoru had came out of his relaxing life in his world.
"if you wanna survive,you have to change."
That's what satoru had decided.he couldn't be a bookwarm again like old times.cause if he do,he will be done for.he had to observe and analyse the situation around him and act acoording to it.
As satoru was not still much aware of this world too.
Before leaving gundalf had suggested him an advice.he told him to buy a slave.
a slave.

In this world,satoru didn't have anything to lean on.he was he needed someone who will help him to survive.but trusting any stranger in town could cause him buying a slave is best choice.
Satoru didn't really agreed to it but he still thinks that it could really be helpful.satoru visited some shops.while visiting,he would ask the owner for the best place to live in city.clever trick, isn't it?
Satoru soon finds that there are many inn's in the town where he can rent rooms to live.he soon found an inn.he entered through door while a man greeted him.he took him to counter and asked for any service he wanted.

"I want room to stay for couple of days."
"Yes.sir.what would you prefer.
Single room.
Double room.
Or a big one."
"A single room should be fine."
"Sure, take out your hand."

Satoru took out his hand and placed on register while owner of the inn placed his hand above him.a light emitted from satoru's hand.
When he tookbout his hand his name got registered on the page.this was first time he saw magic.
"So is that mean he can use magic?no.he used that ring on his must be a magic item."
Satoru wondered.soon manager came near him and asked him to come as he was gonna show him his room.
Satoru started walking with manager.they climbed through stairs and soon manager took him to a small wasn't actually too small was enough for even two people to live confortably.manager gave him keys.

"Enjoy your stay here,sir?"
Manager left after greeting him.
It was a room with a bed,cupboard and kitchen.not bad for 3 silver coins which satoru had also included breakfast, lunch and dinner too so it was not a bad deal.
It's almost evening.satoru had been tired from all the walking so he rested for a while.
he ate dinner after few is really good.satoru felt like he had a eaten a feast.he ate as much as he can and then ended up sleeping as soon as he sits on bed.


satoru had found a place to live for himself.but he couldn't just sleep and eat.if he do, he soon end up broken for money even though he had gold coins.
Satoru had thought a lot about Gundalf he finally decided to give it a try.he doesn't have much choice either way.
He ask manager if there were any slave trading shops there.manager did not seems to be amazed.
"Yeah.there are many slave shops here.there is also one near our inn's normal to have slaves for an adventurer as he have to move around a you can find them anywhere."
Satoru moved out of inn handing over the keys to manager.from what he talked to manager,he found that it is not unnatural to have this world,having a slave was not something you should ashamed of.
While walking satoru also saw many slave workers working for merchants.
The nobles were hitting them with big rod just because they weren't working fast was just treating like animal.
Satoru didn't seem to be much bothered.because he knew if the master become soft on this workers,one of them could definitely turn against him.
While walking he saw three men loading a huge caravan with some equipments.suddenly,one of them fell on seem like his ankle was twisted so badly.satoru rushed toward the caravan and help that man to sit at the side of road.
After that satoru helped other ones to load the caravan.
"Thanks a lot for helping me.i didn't thought my old bones would betray me so soon."
"'s okay."
Satoru replied to a tall man with a white hair,black coat.
"I'm alan,by the way."
"I'm satoru."
"Now,that you have helped me,i should repay you back is there sonething i can do for you?"
"I was looking for slave shop.i 'm an adventurer so i wanted to have a slave."
Alan was laughing out loud and said,
" have come to right place.i'm the owner of slave shop just at the corner of this road."

Satoru felt good as he found some lead.
"Come with me.i'll take you where you want to go."
Satoru just nodded and started walking with him as his ankle seems to be fine now.
They soon arrived in front of the shop.
Suddenly he saw a caravan outside the shop.
Satoru-( can't be.but it does look much a like.but why would it be here.)
Satoru was surprises to see it as it looks like the same caravan he saw when he was travelling with gundalf.he recalls that caravan and girl as soon as he saw it.he couldn't just stop dreaming about her beauty.
Actually,at first glance,satoru had fallen for that girl he saw before.he cleared his thought's in moment and moved with alan.
He soon entered a two storied building with alan.he takes him to a big hall where satoru gets stunned to see that same girl sitting on a couch just in front.
He was surprised as his face turns red,

"What the hell?why is she even here."

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