Chapter 1 - New life

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The big day was already 2 months ago and German and Angie were living happily together since then.

The other couples were also living happily together: Priscilla and Gunner are officially married while Pablo and Esmeralda became a couple too and loves each other pretty much.

One morning Angie went to the Studio when she suddenly noticed someone in the teachers room.

- Jeremias?! - she gasped and almost laughed.

- Good morning, Angie! - he said with a smile.

Angie looked confused at Nicholas who seemed to not to know the truth, just as Beto and Jackie. Pablo just came in the room too but he didn't say anything either.

- Pablo... - she muttered, still confused.

- Morning, Angie! - he said happily.

- What the hell?! - she thought - Jeremias... can we talk alone for a moment?

- Sure!

Outside the Studio:

- What are you still doing here as Jeremias?! - Angie asked.

- No one really knows who I am except you, Pablo, Vilu, Ludmilla and Esmeralda.

- This is not an answer to my question!

- But maybe this could be! - said German as he pulled her closer to him and kissed her passionately on the lips.

- Maybe it is... - she blushed light red.

- That's better - he winked.

- You're too cheeky, you know that... - she grinned.

- Oh? And what are you gonna do about it? - he asked cheekily

- For now nothing... But later when at home you'll pay for still playing around here as Jeremias... - she said before kissing him one more time and went back inside.

- Hmm... That sounds lovely - he giggled before going inside as well.

Meanwhile somewhere else:

- That little rat! She said she has nothing to do with him and now?! They're together! - groaned Jade as she was walking down the streets with her brother Matias.

- Jade, calm down! - said Matias - Maybe you need to give up on German already!

- Mati! I'm not going to give up on my love! I know he loves me and not that woman... Angie! He just wants to forget about me and that's why he escapes to other woman!

- Even if it's true... what do you want to do with this?

- I need a plan, Mati! I need a plan!

- Alright. Tell me if you have one...

- You're the smart one! Help me!

Mati sighed deeply as he began to think.

- I don't have a plan! - he said after few minutes.

- Then think! You know I don't have enough brain!

- That's true actually... - muttered Mati.

- What did you say?!

- Nothing, Jade... Nothing...

Back to the Studio:

It was early afternoon and Angie finished with her classes for that day when Nicholas suddenly hugged her.

 - What... are you doing? - questioned Angie confused.

- I felt like I need to hug you! - he joked.

- Why...?

- I don't know!

Angie just shaked her head then walked off. As soom as she stepped in the music room she found herself in front of German.

- Ah! Jesus! - she jumped.

- What did Nicholas want? - he asked.

- Nothing really... He was just being weird...

- I see... - he muttered when Angie wrapped her arms around him.

- Don't get jealous... I love you... and no one else - she smiled.

- I don't know... I need a proof... - he said with a serious expression.

She looked at him surprised for a moment then she smiled, pulled him closer and kissed his lips.

- Hmm... I guess I believe you... - German smiled then closed the door behind him.

- What are you doing? - she questioned confused.

- I want some alone time with you... - he grinned as he pulled her to him by her waist.

- Someone can come in when we are...

He cut her with a kiss, full of passion and power.

- Hahh... - Angie moaned.

- Now, now... I know you want me... - he whispered teasingly while kissing her neck slowly.

- Hahh... you crazy.... - she moaned as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Feeling that German pushed her gently against the wall, placed both hands on her butt and lifted her up.

- Now you're mine... - he grinned.

Angie already no longer could answer because he cut her off once again with a passionate kiss.

Meanwhile Nicholas decided to take a walk. He felt weird but rather jealous of Jeremias and everything. He now felt how big mistake he made when he cheated on Angie. So he decided to get her back. He just didn't know how.

As he was thinking about that he bumped into Jade and Matias.

- You! - she screamed.

- Me? - he blinked.

- Jade, calm down! - said Matias.

- No, no! I just got a plan! - Jade jumped up and down in excitment.

- Plan? What plan??

Nicholas was trying to leave but Jade grabbed his arm and pulled him back in front of her.

- You're not going anywhere! - screamed Jade.

- What... do you want from me? - Nicholas questioned - I'm tired...

- You... You was Angie's boyfriend, right?? - Jade asked excitedly.

- Yes...

- Perfect!

- Why?? - questioned both Nicholas and Matias at the same time.

- I just got the perfect plan how to split that woman and German up!

The two man just looked at each other in confusion.

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