Chapter 22 - Back together

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When the Castillo family went home everyone was exhaused.

- Miss Angie! I'm so happy you're finally back! - said Olga happily - Can I make you anything now?

- Thank you, Olga and no... now I don't need anything else... Just German... - said Angie while hugging German tightly.

- Aww!! Love birds! - she grinned before leaving.

- I'm so glad this is finally over and you're here again, Angie - smiled Ramallo.

- I'm glad to be here again, Ramallo!

After Ramallo left too Violetta hugged both Angie and German tightly.

- I love you both so much! - she said happily - And I'm sorry, dad for being mean!

- That's okay, darling - he smiled - You didn't know what was really happening.

- Yeah... Why didn't you tell me about your plan??

- Actually... I don't know... - muttered Angie - I just wanted everything to work out perfectly, I guess.

- Ooookay... The most important thing is that you two are together now! And I hope this will stay in this way because Leon is still shocked but in the good way after what dad said to him - Vilu giggled.

- Why? What did he said??

- That he can call him "dad" too!

- Really? - grinned Angie up at German.

- I-I was a bit too excited then... - stuttered German - I was about to meet you when that happened.

- I see - she giggled.

- Don't worry - Vilu smiled - He told me if that's gonna be still okay then he'd like to call you just German.

- That's perfectly fine with me!

After Vilu left Angie and German were left alone in the living room.

- I missed this house... - Angie sighed.

- And the whole house missed you too - smiled German while wrapping his arms around her gently.

-But do you still want to be a dad again to a little baby?

- Of course I want to! - he said while kissing her neck softly - I didn't tell you that but... I've been dreaming about a family with you back then... when we were working together... That you and me with a little German or Angie... a big happy family...

- Aww... really?

- Yes, really...

- Well... now that dream will come true... - Angie smiled - Because from now on... we'll be a big... happy... family... - she whispered while softly kissing him on the lips.

- That's right - he whispered back, still smiling - I love you so much... And from now on I won't let anyone to have you anymore...

- You better not.. - she giggled.

- Come here... - he grinned then picked her up in bridal style.

- Hey! What are you doing?? - Angie asked while laughing.

- I'm talking you to the bed! And you better got ready because I'll be right on your side while you're pregnant and after that too! - he joked while kept kissing her slowly and passionately.

- Ah... Okay, but don't take it too far just yet! - she laughed.

- I'll try - said German, now laughing too.

- I missed you so much, German... you have no idea!

- I missed you too! And from now on no one will break us apart! I promise... - he said, whispering the last part before kissing her on the lips lovingly.

- I'm glad... - Angie giggled happily as she wrapped her arms around his neck then they both went upstairs in their bedroom.

On the next week Angie went to the Studio to see her friends and students but as soon as she arrived Nicholas greeted her.

- Angie!

- I have nothing to say to you - said Angie coldly.

- But Angie, I love you!!

- Nicholas! - shouted Pablo from behind - That was enough!

Nicholas stormed off.

- Finally - sighed Angie.

- I can throw him out of the Studio if you want...

- No... Don't do it - she said - Atleast not yet.

- Alright but tell me if he bothers you too much!

- I will - she smiled.

Then everyone else appeared around them.

- Angie! Angie! - jumped Fran up and down - When's gonna be the wedding??

- I don't knoe yet, Fran - Angie laughed - But we want it as soon as possible.

- And can we come too? - asked Cami.

- Of course!

- Yay!!

Gregorio was watching from the distance and Angie noticed him too and when the kids calmed down and went to their classes she walked up to him.

- Everything went well at home? - he questioned.

- Yes... very well - she smiled then hugged him - Thank you for helping me...

- It's nothing really... - he sighed with a smile - I would do anything to see you smile - he said and returned the hug.

Angie couldn't say anything more, just kept hugging him for some long minutes.

When Angie went home German and Ramallo were in the living room, writing some papers.

- Hey, angel! - said German as he jumped up from where he was sitting and walked up to her - Everything went well in the Studio?

- Yes! Everyone is happy and supporting us! Even Jackie which is weird!

- It is but I'm glad that everything is finally calm - he smiled ah he kissed her forehead - And how are you feeling? Any sickness since the morning?

- Nothing really... Luckily since morning I'm feeling just perfect!

- That's good - he smiled as he lead her to the sofa and they both sat down.

German then pulled Angie into his lap and wrapped his arms around her gently.

- I love you so much and I can't wait to see our baby... - said German as he softly touched her stomach.

- I feel the same way... - said Angie, smiling happily.

- Well... I think I'm better leaving now - muttered Ramallo and went into the kitchen.

- Wait, Ramallo! - Angie shouted after him and when he turned back around she said - Thank you for helping us as well!

- It's nothing! I'm glad you two are happy again! - said Ramallo with a smile then left.

Angie and German just smiled at each other and hugged.

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