Chapter 16 - Gregorio

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- This was amazing... - said German while playing with Angie's hair and smiling happily - I missed this so much...

- Hm... Are you sure about that? - asked Angie a but unsure.

- If you think I was together with Stephanie in this way then you're wrong... I'd never do that to you!

- I'm happy to hear that... - she smiled and kissed his cheek.

- How about you?

- Even if I wouldn't love you... I couldn't be with Nicholas this way anymore...

- That's good - he caressed her cheek while she snuggled up to him - Does anyone else knows about us and our plan?

- I needed to tell Gunner and Priscilla because Gunner was about to kill you when he saw me crying that day - Angie giggled.

- He wants to seem to be a tough but he's a nice guy inside - smiled German - Anyone else?

- Only Pablo and Gregorio but we can truth them.

- Wait wait... Did you say Gregorio??

- Yeah... Weird but he was worried about me...And I just couldn't lie to him...

- That's weird... He was always so grumpy when I was there as Jeremias.

- After that too but once he just asked me and... yeah...

- I see. Alright... And what's up with Nicholas?

- I'm getting more and more disgusted by him... - growled Angie.

- I'm happy to hear that - giggled German - I'm already thinking what could have happen to Stephanie that made her become someone like this...

- You don't like her anymore?

- Not a bit.

- You better not - Angie smiled.

- But if Gregorio's too nice then I...

- German!

- Okay, okay... sorry.

- You have nothing to be afraid of... I love you and no one else - giggled Angie before kissing him on the lips softly.

Soon after that German got ready to go home but before leaving he leaned back to Angie in bed and kissed her deeply.

- I love you so much... never forget that... - he said - And thank you for this wonderful surprise... It was just amazing - he smiled cheekily.

- I'm glad you liked it - Angie giggled happily - And I love you too sooo much!

Then German went home.

It was 3 am in the morning when he arrived home. He didn't want anyone to hear him so he went in from the door in the kitchen and was about to sneak upstairs to his room but as soon as he was in the living room he found himself in front of Violetta who just stood there with her arms crossed.

- V-Vilu... darling, why... why are you still awake? - he stuttered.

- I just came down to drink some water and then I heard footsteps and I found you coming in - said Vilu - What are you doing coming home this late, dad?

- Well, I... The... The meeting ended up a bit long and...

- Are you sure it was only a meeting? - Vilu questioned more when she suddenly noticed he was acting weird - Tell me the truth...

- Vilu, I....

- You had a meeting with Angie, haven't you?

- How did she... - thought to himself then he gave in - Okay... Yes, I did...

- Yes!! - she jumped up in excitment.

- Sssshh!!! Easy now!

- But why?? Didn't you two argued before?!!

- I'll tell you everything tomorrow, okay? Now go back to sleep!

- Okay! Okay!

The next day Angie was in the music room, writing her song when Gregorio came in.

- Ah, s-sorry... - he muttered - I didn't want to bother you...

- You're not bother me at all... - Angie smiled - Want to hear what I made so far?

- Yeah... sure.

Angie began to play the piano again and started singing:

Si te sientes perdido en ningún lado

Viajando tu mundo del pasado

Si dices mi nombre, yo te iré a buscar

Si crees que todo está olvidado

Que tu cielo azul está nublado

Si dices mi nombre, te voy a encontrar

Es tan fuerte lo que creo y siento

Que ya nada detendrá este momento

El pasado es un recuerdo

Y los sueños crecen, siempre crecerán

Gregorio just watched her and listened her singing quietly and smiled.

- Well... so far this is all I have... - said Angie.

- This is really beautiful... - he said, smiling - How about if you can finish it we could take this too into the final show?

- That would be amazing!

- Then I'll talk to Pablo about it!

Angie just looked at him for a moment with a huge smile on her face.

- W-What is it? Why are you smiling like that? - questioned Gregorio confused.

- Ah, nothing... It's just weird to see you so happy like this... And talk about Pablo normally like this...

- And is it really that bad?

- Noooo! No, I'm happy to see that - Angie smiled - I finally see you happy and not just arguing about everything.

- I don't know what's up with me either... - he rubbed his head in embarrassment.

- No need to know... I like this - Angie giggled.

Later they were in the teachers room when Pablo came in and Gregorio ran up to him.

- Gregorio, if you're coming to argue again then I---

- No! I came here to ask you something! - said Gregorio.

- What is it?

- Angie's writing a song right now and I think it would be good to the final show! Would you give her a chance with this?

Everyone was shocked in the teachers room that Gregorio is being this nice to Angie and talks normally to Pablo.

Pablo just looked over to Angie who just smiled a bit awkwardly then he looked at Gregorio again.

- That's fine by me... - he finally said then looked at Angie - If you're finished with it then show me, okay?

- Okay and thank you! - said Angie happily.

After that Gregorio left. Pablo walked to Angie and looked at her suspiciously.

- What did you do to Gregorio? - he asked.

- Nothing, I swear! - she laughed - He just started to behave differently all of a sudden!

- I see... It's pretty good... I'm happy for that. I just hope this will stays in this way... - Pablo sighed.

- I think it will - Angie smiled.

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