Chapter 15 - Room 221

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The next morning German woke up by Violetta jumping on his bed.

- Happy Birthday, dad!!! - she said happily.

He first didn't know what's happening but then he realized. Today was his birthday. He rolled over and pulled Vilu into a hug.

- Thank you, sweetheart! - he said and kissed her head softly.

- Have any plan for today?

- Actually... no... not really.

- Luckily Stephanie is out for the whole day... - grinned Vilu.

- Vilu... - German sighed but smirked too.

- ... Sooo we can do something together!

- Don't you have Studio today?

- I have... But I have only 3 class for today and after that I'm free!

- I see... Then let's meet here at 1 pm and then we'll think about something fun, okay?

- Okay, dad! - she smiled then jumped off the bed - But now I'm going!

- Okay, have a good day!

- You too, dad!

After Vilu left for the Studio German also got out of his bed and went downstairs where Olga greeted him.

- Happy Birthday, Mr. German! - she said happily.

- Thank you, Olga... - he smiled.

- I made pancakes!

- Ah... Olgita, you just made my day! - said German and kissed her on the cheek.

- Aww, Mr. German! - she giggled while blushing lightly.

Later on German was sitting in his office when he got a text.

- Hm?

It said:

Come to the hotel tonight at 8 pm.

Room 221

Don't be late! ;)

First German didn't get who was that message from then a huge smile appeared on his face.

- That's my girl... - he muttered.

- Who? - he suddenly heard a voice that made him jump.

- R-Ramallo! - he growled.

- Sorry but you were pretty much in your own world... - he chuckled - But really... who are you talking about?

- What do you think?

After a few moments of progressing...

- Ooooh! - he grinned.

- Yeees!


- Are you sure this is a good idea?? - Helen asked from her friend - You're pretty much in this fake relationship... what if Nicho suspect something?

- He won't, Helen - said Angie calmly - I told him that I want to be alone tonight because I want to work on something... And that moron trusts me enough to not to ask anything.

- Okay...

- Can I trust both of you in this? - Angie asked from Helen and Esmeralda.

- Yes! - they both said at the same time.

- Thank you! - she smiled.

The night has come and German was getting ready to his meeting. He went downstairs and found Vilu and Leon in the living room.

- What are you... doing here? - German asked, pretty confused.

- I told you that I call him - said Vilu - But you probably was in your own world again...

- Ah... Really... Really! I remember!

- I hope it's not a big problem, Mr. Castillo - said Leon.

- No... No, I'm going out anyway... But be good! Olga will watch both of you while I'm out - he said then was about to leave when he turned back around - And Leon?

- Yes?

- Just call me German... or dad - German joked then left. He got into his car and drove to the hotel. He exactly knew which one he should go to so that wasn't a problem.

When he walked in a woman stepped in front of him.

- Mr. Castillo? - she asked, smiling.

- Yes - he nodded.

- Boss told me to wait for you here!

German smiled happily.

- You need to go to the 2nd floor. Room 221... Should I take you there?

- No... I think I can find it - said German - Thank you for the help.

- You're welcome - nodded the woman then left and German quickly made his way upstairs.

On the second floor he quickly found the room 221. He knocked on it and Esmeralda opened the door.

- Ah! Just in time! - she said, smiling then pulled German into the room. When they were inside she continued - Angie's is getting ready....

- Yes! I'm coming! - Angie shouted from the bathroom.

- You heard her, didn't you? - giggled Esme.

- I did - German smiled happily - How long I haven't heard her voice... - he sighed

- Okay, I'll leave you two be now! - said Esmeralda then winked at German before left the room and few minutes later Angie came up to German as well.

He was just frozen for a moment then pulled her into his embrace happily.

- Angie... Angie... - he whispered - I'm so happy to see you...

- Me too... - Angie smiled then touched his cheek and kissed him on the lips passionately than ever.

Then German wrapped his arms around her waist and deepened the kiss while they both fell on the bed and continued kissing happily.

After a while Angie pushed him off of her and stood up.

- Wait here for me... - she winked - I'll be back in a minute...

- Alright baby, but don't be long... - he smirked.

Angie then went into the bathroom and German waited in the bedroom. A few minutes later she came back and German's mouth hang open in surprise.

- My goddess... - he muttered.

Angie was now in a very little, light-pink dress and German got shocked by how good and sexy she looked in that dress.

- Hm? Do you like it? - she asked, smirking happily.

- I love it, baby... But you know this dress will no longer on you if I lay my hands on you, do you? - he grinned.

- I know... and I have no problem with that - she said as he suddenly grabbed her by her waist and kissed her lips then down her neck slowly.

- I missed you so much... - he whispered between kisses while caressing her butt.

- Oh... I missed you too... - she whispered back then they both fell on the bed again and continued kissing each other. She then pulled away for a bit and said - And happy birthday...

- Thank you, my angel... - German grinned then they continued kissing and having a wonderful, passionate night together.

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