Chapter 24 - "I do"

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Time passed by and soon Angie's baby was born and together they decided to call her Julietta.

At the hospital, after Julietta was born in the room only Angelica and Violetta with Angie and Julietta when German walked in and he froze in the door as soon as he saw his beloved girls together.

He walked to Angie's bed and kissed her forehead softly then looked down at the little baby.

- My god... - he muttered with a big smile - She's so beautiful...

- Do you want to hold her? - Angie asked, smiling softly at him.

German couldn't say a word, just nodded and Angie handed him his newborn daughter. He held Julietta gently, looked at her with a huge happy smile on his face.

Soon after that Julietta opened her eyes and looked up at him then smiled and German no longer could hold his tears back. He was now crying in happiness just as Angie did.

Later on Ramallo and Olga came in the room as well to see the baby and everyone was so amazed and happy.

- My family is finally complete... - German sighed in happiness as he gently kissed Julietta, Angie and Violetta on the forehead.

When they let Angie and the baby home the next morning German was looking after them in every moment and meanwhile some friends came over as well.

- She's beautiful... just like you are, Angie - said Nick, smiling.

- I was about to say the same... - smiled Gregorio too.

- Dear god... I'm gonna cry! - moaned Beto while hugging Pablo.

- That's fine, Beto... just don't kill me meanwhile! - said Pablo, trying to get him off of him and catch his breath.

- Enough now, guys... - Angie laughed with Julietta in her arms.

A few students came over as well and adore the little Julietta happily.

A month later the wedding's day has finally came and everyone was excited about it.

Angie was getting ready in the hotel room with her mother and Violetta when someone knocked on the door and Violetta answered it.

- Gregorio?! - she gasped.

- Can I come in? - he asked.

Vilu looked back at Angie who just nodded and she let him in.

For a long moment he just stood there shocked then he snapped out of his thoughts right after that and smiled.

- I can't even describe... How beautiful... you are... right now... - he muttered.

- Thank you... - Angie smiled and blushed softly.

- German sure is a lucky man...

- And I'm a lucky woman too... To have him... My mom... Violetta... you and everyone who supports me... - she smiled - And everyone's here now and I can't be happier than this...

Gregorio was now fighting his tears back as he hugged her tightly.

- By the way... I've never seen you in suit before... - Angie continued after the hug.

- And do I look okay in this? - he asked.

- Okay? You look amazing! - she smiled.

- That's good then.

After a few moment suddenly Pablo came in.

- Angie... It's time - he said.

- Alright - she said, taking a deep breath.

- You'll be just fine - said Gregorio - I'll be going too now... See you after the ceremony... - he smiled then left the room.

- What... just happened...? - muttered Pablo, shocked.

- I don't know... - said Vilu, also shocked.

- Does it matter?? He's nice now! - said Angie - Now... Let's get going!

Everyone nodded.

They organized the wedding ceremony at the hotel where Angie was working before and everyone from there, from Paris and all their other friends were there on it.

When Angie arrived her heart was pounding really fast. She was nervous but as soon as she saw German standing at the altar and smiled at her her nervousness flew away.

German felt the same way. The whole day he was nervous about everything. He was nervous that what if Angie says no, that what if something goes wrong, Jade or Stephanie interrupt the wedding but when he saw Angie coming his nervousness disappeared and he only focused on her and nothing else.

 As soon as they were standing next to each other German reached out to hold Angie's hands and looked into each other's eyes. They Just couldn't stop smiling. This was the happiest day of their lives.

- Do you, German Castillo take Angeles Carrara as your lawful wedded wife? - asked the priest first from German who did'nt even looked at him but Angie the whole time.

- I do - he said and Angie was tearing up in happiness.

Now the priest turned to Angie.

- Do you, Angeles Carrara take German Castillo as your lawful wedded husband? - he asked.

- I do - she said quickly.

- Alright. Then from now on you're husband and wife. You may....

He stopped as he saw the couple were already kissing so he just smiled and said:

- I don't even have to say anything as I see... Just keep doing what you're doing.

Everyone giggled on this then clapped and cheered happily for the newly married German and Angeles Castillo.

Well, this is the end of this 2nd book.

Thank you all so much for all the supports, reads and votes for this story too!

Also I have a 3rd book idea but it would be a bit different. It also would be about German and Agnie but it would be mostly about Gregorio and his love life.

I know... it sounds weird at first but I wrote down 3 chapter for it and it turned out pretty good in my opinion so tell me in the comments if you would be interested in this grumpy teacher's life, loves, struggles and stuff like that! :) xxx

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