Chapter 23 - Love and happiness

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German and Angie decided to wait with the wedding until the baby will born since it would be easier for both of them but mostly for Angie.

She also decided to go to the Studio to work until she's five or six months pregnant.

Everyone from the Studio and their friends were really helpful with the baby thing, with the wedding and everything else.

- I'm so happy, Angie... - German whispered one night when Angie was in his arms. He gently caressed her cheek and neck.

- Me too... - Angie smiled as she enjoyed his company.

- I'd never want to let you go...

- You don't have to do that - she giggled.

- I love you... - he smiled slightly - My future wife... - he added with a huge smile on his face.

- I love you too... my future husband... - she grinned too before kissing him on the lips passionately.

Months passed quickly and when Angie was five months pregnant everyone was already curious about the gender.

One morning:

- Good morning, beautiful - German whispered softly as he kissed Angie's forehead.

- Good morning - she yawned with a huge smile on her face.

- Seeing your smile I'd guess you're excited for today, right?

- Yes, right! Will we find out the gender?

- Hmm... Do you want it?

- I don't know!

German laughed.

- We'll think about it until it's time to go to the hospital, okay?

- Okay, that sounds good! - Angie smiled.

In the hospital they finally decided to find out the gender of the baby since they whole house, the Studio and everyone wanted to know about it.

- Well... I don't know how will they react - Angie laughed on the way back home.

- However will they react... I'm happy... you're happy... and this is what matters - smiled German.

- Yes, that's right!

Later when they arrived home Olga was the first who greeted them.

- Mr. German! Mrs. Angie! - she screamed.

- Hello, Olga! - Angie smiled.

- Olga... Tonight we'll tell the news to everyone - said German calmly - And we'll call Leon, Gunner, Priscilla, Pablo and Esmeralda over too for dinner!

- Alright, Mr. German! - said Olga excitedly and ran back in the kitchen.

That night everyone got together at the Castillo house and they were all excited about the news.

Angie was a bit upset about that but as soon as German sensed that he grabbed her hand gently and smiled at her.

- Do you want me to say it? - he asked her.

- Let's say it together! - said Angie, still a bit nervously.

- Well... we're having a...

Suddenly Angie cleared her throat.

- Do you mean I have... - she joked, everyone giggled.

- Yes... - he giggled too.

- A baby girl! - Angie screamed in happiness and Vilu jumped into her arms and hugged her.

- I'm gonna have a little sister! I'm sooo happy! - she said happily.

- Congratulations, guys! - said Esme as she hugged Angie and German at the same time.

- One more girl in your family, German... - joked Gunner - You better be careful!

- I'm always careful - laughed German - Not like you!

Everyone was so happy and then whole night passed by in happiness.

Later that night:

- I'm glad that everyone's finally happy... - said German as he layed down beside Angie in the bed.

- Me too - smiled Angie and snuggled up to him, placing her head on his chest - I don't want to be separated from you anymore...

- You won't... I promise... - he said, caressing her head gently - And soon we need to think about names for the baby as well...

- Oh yes! But we need to do it together with everyone! You know how Olga can react when she isn't involved in important things like this - Angie giggled.

- Yes, right - he smiled - She even wanted to rip my head off when we were working on our plan...

- Oh really?

- Yes, really. She was so mad at me for whole 3 months... Luckily you're here again and she calmed down.

Angie just laughed.

- Olga can be more protective than a female tiger - she laughed - She wants the best for every one of us.

- And now everyone's happy - said German - Everyone's happy and together... and nothing will ruin this peace... I'll make sure of it... - he whispered before kissing her on the lips softly.

- That's good... - she smiled happily and after a while of talking the both fell asleep in each other's arms.

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