Chapter 2 - Planning revenge

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- No, no, no and no! - groaned Nicholas angrily - I'm not gonna be a part of this!

- But you want your ex- girlfriend back, don't you?? - asked Jade.

- I do but not in the way you want me to!

- Then you won't get her back, you moron! She won't even look at you if you just come up with your confession like you said!

- That's true actually... - nodded Matias.

- Then... I... God! - Nicho shaked his head.

- Come oooon! I know you want it! - Jade smirked and she hugged him.

- Get off me! - he growled.

- Fine but will you help me?

- .... What do you want me to do?

- For now nothing... But later I'll need your help!

They were walking in the park when I woman came up to them. She hand long, brown hair and blue eyes.

- Jade LaFontaine? - she asked.

- Yes! And you're Stephanie, right?

- Yes!

- Perfect!

- Who is she? - questioned Nicholas.

- She'll be German's new business partner... and the one who'll seduce him away from Angeles! - said Jade, grinning evilly.

- Honestly Jade... - Mati began - I'm not sure this is gonna work... Remember what happened with Esmeralda....

- She wasn't good enough for her role but Stephanie is!

- I will make sure "Mr. Castillo" falls in love with me - said Stephanie calmly.

- And that will be the time when YOU come in - said Jade turning towards Nicholas - You'll be the one comforting little Angeles from being sad because of German and he will no longer playing his role as that teacher...

- Wait wait! Is Jeremias German?? - questioned Nicholas shocked.

- Yes!

He facepalmed, Jade continued.

- Can I trust you in this or what?!

- I need to think about it...

- Fine but make it quick! - she said, Mati just rubbed his head.

Meanwhile at the Castillo house, at lunchtime:

- A note...? - muttered Angie confused as she noticed a little note on the table in the living room.

It said:

Come out to the garden. I have a surprise for you.

German xxx

She couldn't help but giggle as she read the note then she went out to the garden and gasped in surprise.

German made a whole picnic in the garden and he was already waiting for her outside.

- Hello, baby... - he smiled as he walked up to her.

- German... did you... do this? - Angie muttered.

- Yes, I did. Anything for you, my angel... - he whispered before kissing her on the lips softly.

- Aww, thank you... - she smiled happily - That was a great surprise...

- I'm glad you like it - he smiled.

- Now let's eat! I'm hungry!

- Alright, alright - German laughed.

After they ate lunch they were just sitting there and talking. German pulled Angie in his lap and hugged her gently.

- My life can't be more perfect than this... - he said while kissing her hand.

- Being with you makes me the happiest woman alive... - she smiled as she touched his cheeks with both hands - I love you... soo much...

- I love you more - he giggled.

- That's not possibe!

- Oh, are you sure about that?

- I am!

German pulled her closer by her butt and kissed her lips passionately.

- Oh! Maybe I was wrong... - giggled Angie and wrapped her arms around his neck.

 - But maybe you can prove me you're right...

- How?

- Give me the best kiss you can give... - grinned German.

- Let's see what can I do for you about that... - giggled Angie then kissed him on the lips passionately and lustfully.

A few minutes later they broke the kiss and German was grinning even more than he did before.

- Hmm... That was just perfect... - he said - But I want more...

- I need to go back to the Studio, you know - she giggled.

- Can't you stay with me for a bit longer? Please? - he begged with big puppy eyes.

- Ah... Alright, fine! - she gave in while blushing - You just know how to soften me, don't you?

- I sure know... And I know how to make you mine... - he whispered as he layed her down on the blanket where they were sitting, slowly got on top of her and kissed her passionately while caressing her thigh sensually.

- Ah... G-German... - she moaned - N-Not here...

- No one's at home and won't be home in the next 3 hours... - German whispered while kissing her neck - Besides I'm getting hard too... And if I'm hard... I can't wait... And you know that too... - he whispered teasingly.

- Oh my... ah...

- Stop resisting... I know you want me too - he grinned.

Then she pulled him close and kissed his lips again and started talking off his shirt.

- Stop talking and do it already! - she demanded while kissing him all over.

- As you wish, my lady - he said happily as he continued kissing her.

Meanwhile at the Studio:

- Where's Angie? - questioned Nicholas confused.

- German called me and said they want some alone time together so she's not coming back this afternoon - answered Pablo.

- German... Once again German... - he growled.

- What's the problem?

- N-No... Nothing... But I'm gonna take a short walk... if that's okay with you,,,

- Okay, sure!

He went to the park.

- So? Will you join us?

Jade appeared behind him.

- I can see something has happened since you left - said Mati - You seem pretty upset.

- I am upset!

- Then will you join already? - questioned Jade.

- Yes! I definitely will!

- Good! Together... we'll be a perfect team! - she cheered happily.

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