Chapter 6 - Threat

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The next day Angie got up early to get ready for the Studio. German was still asleep so she decided to sneak our of the room quietly but didn't work. She almost reached the door she felt two strong arms embrace around her waist.

- German... - she sighed as she turned around to face him - I thought you were asleep - she giggled.

- I was... But then I felt that something's missing... - he said - And you know what was that?

- Hm? What? - she questioned cheekily.

- You, my angel... - he smiled.

- I have to go... you know that.

- I know... Just give me a kiss before you leave...

Angie just smiled then wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him softly on the lips.

- Satisfied, yet? - Angie giggled.

- For now... - he whispered.

- Do you still want to meet her tomorrow...?

- Who? Stephanie?

- Yes...

- I don't know what to do yet... But we still have one more day to think.

- Yeah... - she sighed.

- Angie...

He wrapped his arms around her again and rested his forehead against hers.

- Don't worry about her... - he whispered softly.

- I'll try but it's not that easy after what I saw last night... - she groaned.

Then German kissed her lips passionately.

- I love you... - he said.

- Ah... You always know what to say and how to say to calm me down... - Angie said while blushing lightly.

- I do... - he giggled - I do know because I love you.

- And I love you too.

Later Angie headed to the Studio but when she arrived at the teachers room she saw the only person she never wanted to see again.

- Stephanie! - she screamed.

- Well, hello... Angeles - said Stephanie.

- Good morning, Angie! - greeted Pablo.

- What the hell is this woman doing here?! - Angie snapped.

- Calm down... She came because I needed some help and...

- You better keep your distance from her... You didn't see what she did last night - Angie groaned angrily.

- Ah... so you saw that - Stephanie grinned.

- I did and you better stay away from my family or you'll regret it...

And with that Angie left.

After first class Angie was in the music room when Stephanie stepped in.

- What do you want? - she questioned.

- Just want to tell you something...

- I'm listening.

- You don't know who I am to German... He was in love with me for a long time... and I'll do anything to make him love me again!

- That's ridiculous...

- You think so?

- Yes. You just said he WAS in love with you. Just WAS... and this will stay in that way - said Angie - You are the past to him... But I'm the present and the future...

- Heh... I don't think you understand...

Stephanie walked right in front of Angie and continued.

- I have my own technique to get him away from someone like you and became his new love... A prettier, smarter and more talented lover then YOU are. So... you better get ready for that... and that you'll leave the Castillo house in a short time.

Then she left and Angie just stood there, frozen for a moment, atleast until Esmeralda stepped into the room.

- Angie...?

- That bitch! I knew it! - Angie snapped.

- Huh? What did I do?!

- Wha... Ah... No, not you! Stephanie!

- Ah - she sighed in relief - So you were right, weren't you?

- Yes... It seems like I was... - Angie sighed - Honestly I was hoping that I'm not gonna be right... but she just said she will get me out of German's house and life soon!

- What are you gonna do now? - asked Esme.

- I don't know yet... But I'm not gonna let her destroy everything!

- That's my girl! But how do you want to do that?

- I'll need your help too!

- I'm always here to help!

- Thank you... - Angie smiled.

After that they headed to the teachers room. Stephanie was there but she was already leaving.

- Esme... do you have any class in the next hour?? - Angie asked.

- No... But why?

- Come with me! - she said - We'll follow that witch!

Esme just nodded and followed Angie outside. They went after Stephanie who headed to the park. She seemed like she knows where she's going exactly which made Angie more suspicious.

Then she sat down on a bench while Angie and Esme hiding near to her and after a few minutes two people arrived. A man and a woman and sat down next to Stephanie and as soon as the woman took of her hat Angie almost screamed out.

- Jade?!

But Esme put her hand on her mouth in time before any voice could come out.

- Sssshh!

Angie nodded but she was panicking now. She felt this is going to happen but she didn't know if German's gonna believe her or not.

- What do we do?! - questioned Esme - We can't hear them from here.

- We better get going bef--

But Angie froze in the middle of her sentence when she noticed one more guy who came up to Stephanie, Jade and the other guy.

- This can't be... - she gasped.

- Is that... Nicholas?! - gasped Esme.

- Just as I suspected...

The suddenly voice made both Esme and Angie jump.

- Ramallo?! - whispered Angie upsetly.

- Come with me! - he said. The two woman just nodded and left with him.

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