Chapter 8 - Mother

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Next day was the day when German and Stephanie were supposed to meet.

Angie was pretty upset about it and she was up very early in the morning, just thinking about it and while she was still thinking she turned around and got quite surprised when she faced an awake German beside her.

- How long... have you been awake? - she questioned quietly.

- Long enough to see you're upset... - he answered while playing with her hair - I'm not gonna meet Stephanie if you don't want me to...

- German, I... - she muttered then she just remembered something - Where would you two meet?

- At the nearby bar, late afternoon.

- I see...

- What are you thinking about, beautiful? - he said as he caressed her cheek.

- We need to do something about them... And I'm about to get the idea how.... But I'm not sure if you'd like it...

- Like it or not... We won't rest peacefully until they are finally disappear and stop borthering us...

- That's true actually. What's your plan?

Angie was about to answer when they heard shouting from downstairs.


- Was it... - muttered German.

- Mom!

Angie jumped out of the bed and went downstairs to see what's happening.

It was already 9 am and Angelica was shouting angrily with Olga who was trying to calm her down but it didn't work.

- Mom! - Angie shouted - Why are you keep shouting this time of the morning on the weekend?!

- I can't believe you're still with that killer!! - Angelica shouted angrily.

- Mom! Keep your voice down, please!

- Sorry, but I'm so mad! - she said, now calmer.

- Why?? Because I'm with the one I love?

- Because the one you 'love' is your sister's husband and a killer too!

- Mom! I've told you already... HE'S NOT A KILLER!! And Maria would want us to be happy too!

- That's not the point! Come on, darling... Let's go back and talk to Nicholas...

- Okay, just no! - Angie cut her off - I told you my opinion already about him!

- You can sort it out!

- He cheated on me!

- And what about German??

- What do you mean?

- He kissed that other woman in front of you!

- How do you know about that? - questioned German calmly who was coming down the stairs then stood behind Angie and wrapped his around her waist protectively.

- I uhm... a bird sang to me... - stuttered Angelica, obviously lieing.

- You have already met Nicholas, didn't you? - said Angie - Are you with them too?! Do you want me and German to be apart too?!!

- I never said I didn't want that...

- Mom... Why...?

- Angie... you deserve the best!

- And German is the best for me! Go away!

- Angie... Meet me at the park later - said Angelica then left.

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