Chapter 12 - Friends and their support

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The next day as soon as Angie arrived Gregorio greeted her.

- Good morning! - he said.

- Good morning, Gregorio! - said Angie.

- How are you? Are you feeling better? - he asked, looking worried.

- I'm feeling a bit better, I guess... - she sighed - But I miss German... so much... - she muttered under her breath.

- Don't worry... Everything will be better soon - said Gregorio, smiling at her.

But before they could continue Nicholas appeared.

- Good morning, Angie! - he said happily.

- Nicholas....

- Do you have some time for me now?

- No... If you didn't see I was talking to Gregorio! - Angie groaned angrily.

- Yes... - nodded Gregorio then stepped in front of Nicholas - I was here first... you will have to wait!

- Fine... But catch me later, love... I want to show you something! - said Nicholas and left.

- What an asshole... - muttered Gregorio.

- You have no idea - Angie shaked her head.

- Should we head to the teachers room?

- Yeah, sure!

When they entered they found an angry Jackie in the room.

- There you are! - she screamed as she grabbed Angie's arm.

- What is it again?! - said Angie angrily.

- You want to take Nicho away from me!

- What?! I never...

- Stop lying! I know you still love him!

- I'm not lying and I don't love him! He's the one wanting to destroy my life! - shouted Angie and shaked off her hand - And get off me!

- You'll pay for this!

- You should get him to love you and leave me alone!

- You little---

- Jackie! - Gregorio shouted, making both Angie and Jackie grew quiet.

- Gregorio! If you love her this much to protect her then marry her! - groaned Jackie.

- Maybe I will... But now lower your voice please - said Gregorio calmly but Jackie didn't listen and stormed off.

- G-Gregorio... - stuttered Angie - Did you really say what I think you said??

- I did - he smiled cheekily - But don't worry... I know you love German... besides I'm not a lover type - he joked.

- How do you know that?

- I just know.

Angie shaked her head then hugged him tightly.

- Thank you though!

- No problem, really... - he smiled softly.

Angie just smiled back quietly. She didn't know why was Gregorio exactly so nice with her but she didn't care. She was glad he helped her.


- Angie!

- Angie! How are you girl?

Barney and Lee came to the Studio and hugged Angie happily.

- Ah! I'm fine, guys. How are you? - Angie laughed.

- We came to see you - said Lee - Gunner told us what are you and German going and we wanted to see if you're alright or need any help!

- Ah... so he told you... - she rubbed her head - How about we talk about that somewhere else? This makes me... - she said while looking around and both guys understood what she meant.

- Alright, we can talk later - said Barney - We're living in your hotel for the next month so you can always find us there or leave a message to us.

- Alright... And I'm glad you both are here! - said Angie, smiling - How about we catch up with Gunner and get together somewhere to talk?

- Great idea! - cheered Lee.

- Sounds good - said Barney too.

But as soon as Angie turned around she heard piano music from the music room. When she went in she saw Nicholas playing the piano and singing.

Escucha y siente

Sube el volumen vas a enloquecer

Entiende y siente

De corazones rotos, soy el rey

Yo soy el rey, soy el rey

Perdiendo el control

- This is my lyrics...? - snapped Diego suddenly who was just walking right past Angie.

- It is actually... - muttered Angie then checked the music room and there was Nicholas.

When he noticed Angie he stopped and smiled at her.

- That's was... awesome... - she said, still looking shocked.

- Thank you - he smiled - Come here and sing with me...

Angie hesitantly but walked to Nicholas who turned back to the piano and started playing again and Angie started to sing first:

Escucha y siente

Sube el volumen vas a enloquecer

Then Nicholas continued:

Entiende y siente

De corazones rotos, soy el rey

Yo soy el rey, soy el rey

Then together:

Perdiendo el control

Meanwhile German was at the Studio too and he heard a familiar voice. The voice that always made him melt and happy inside.

He peeked into the music room and saw Angie and Nicholas singing together.

Dime el ritmo ponte a bailar

Ven conmigo déjate besar

Yo sé te va a gustar

Mi estilo te va a conquistar

Mis pies te mueve al compás

Sé que no lo puedes evitar

No intentes luchar

Mi estilo te va a conquistar

He just watched them disgusted....

- This song is still tasteless... - he muttered.

- Hey! - Diego snapped next to him.

- Truth can be hurtful... - German groaned.

Diego said something after that but German didn't really listen. All he could do is to stare at Angie and she must have felt that before she suddenly looked up to the door and when she noticed him she smiled.

Y es que yo soy así

Mi vida es alocada

Sin red y voy a mil

Mi ley es doble o nada

Y es que yo soy así

Con solo una mirada

Vas a quedar de mí

Por siempre enamorada

- You have no idea how much I miss you... - German thought to himself then gave Angie a smile back then left before he does something he doesn't supposed to.

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