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A huge explosion goes off behind me. As I run debris and fire fly past me. My face is filled with sweat, soot, and grime. My feet pound on the wet, soggy grass. A guard appears in my line of vision, he sees me and runs towards me. He raises his weapon to hit me, suddenly Changbin comes out of nowhere and kicks him to the ground. I stop and scan my surroundings. Kids are fleeing the giant mountain of scorching flames. The kids we rescued are helping fight off the guards. There have been 0 casualties and I plan to keep it that way. I grab a weapon off the ground and rush into the fight. There are only 8 guards left of the original 20. Hyunjin and I both take one on. We both take turns ducking and hitting him. Soon enough we knock him out and move onto the next. I see Jisung tackling a guard as Seungmin kicks him. Felix and Woojin are taking on 2 guards. Jeongin and Minho are just full force hitting any guard that they run past. Changbin is taking on 2 guards, I see him struggling so I run over to aid him. 

One of the guards punches Changbin to the ground. Before he can kick Changbin, he rolls. I smack the guard to the ground and swiftly hit the other one. Changbin grabs his weapon and presses his back against mine. I give him a nod and we both set off screaming towards 1 of the 2 guards. I dodge the first attack but I get smacked in the side the second time around. I cough up a little blood and ignore the pain for now. I rush the guard and hit him full force in the side, then I swing at his stomach. My weapon makes contact and the guard is knocked back. While he stumbles to regain his balance I bring my weapon down hard upon his head. His helmet cracks and he falls to the ground. I see his hand twitching and his body begin to move. To finish him off I kick him until he goes unconscious.

I whip around to see that all the guards have been taken care of. The building that was once a work camp was now ablaze. Suddenly it begins to rain and all I can hear is the hissing of the water as it meets the flames. All of the kids are roughed up, especially my inner circle of leaders. 

Jisung walks over to me, "what's next Chan?"

I begin to think, but my exhaustion makes it hard. 

"Everyone is too tired to travel, so let's go back to our temporary base."

Jisung nods, the other 8 heard me and begin to round up the rest of the kids. I have no clue how we are going to fit all 55 of us but we will make it work somehow. We slowly head off into the night, all of us close to collapsing of exhaustion.

Rescuing- Stray Kids FF (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now