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I wake up and stretch out my arms. The factory floor is really uncomfortable but everyone was so exhausted it didn't matter. As soon as we got out of the sewers we all fell asleep in the building Minho had led us to. I look and see Chan is waking everyone up from their naps, while Changbin is handing out food and water. I reach out and grab some,  Felix scoots over to me and we both eat in silence. All I can think about is how long it will take to get to District 9. Minho said 2 weeks if we push through. But seeing how we have done in only 2 days I think it will take us longer. More like 2 and a half weeks. Everyone still looks worn, their eyes blank. 

I get angry at myself, as the oldest I should be taking as much responsibility as Chan! I get up and walk over to Chan.

"Do you need help with anything?"

Chan smiles "Always."

He leads me over to Minho, "I want you 2 to scope the town. See if you can find any abandoned kids and bring them here."

Minho and I look at each other in confusion but do as we are told. Minho and I walk out into the blistering sunlight. I shield my eyes, I didn't even know there was a province this hot in the country. We start walking towards the small town, it looks to be about a mile or 2 away.

I look over at Minho and see him thinking to himself.

"What's up?" I ask him.

"Why does Chan want us to bring back kids?"

I nod, "I was thinking the same thing."

We both think about it as we approach the town. Suddenly something pops up in my mind.

"Ah! Maybe it's because he can then do the same thing that we did in the last place we stayed at!"

Minho furrows his brow, "can you explain a little more?"

"Well maybe he will get the word out about our rebellion and at the same time start a base for them back at the factory."

Minho's eyes light up, "Yeah! Then as we keep heading to District 9 we can keep gathering more and more kids who will eventually make their way there to meet up with us! And if they don't come they can still do their part in towns like this or cities like the last one."

As we look around the town we notice it is almost a ghost town. There are barely any people out and the few that are consist of worn out looking adults. The houses look very worn but strong. The roads are all dusty and dry, the whole town is surrounded by barren fields. In front of us, a kid suddenly runs out of a house and down the street. Minho and I follow him, he might be our only lead. We hear loud screams from the direction the boy ran. We look at each other in worry and run towards that direction. 

In front of us is a water hole where a bunch of kids are playing and screeching. I let out a loud sigh, I got scared there for a second. We slowly approach the kids, one spots me and I smile at him. 

He gives me a big grin, "Are you going to play with us!?"

Minho opens his mouth to decline so I put my hand over it.

I smile at the young boy "we would love to."

He gets excited and splashes in the water. I laugh, he's so cute. I start to undress all the way down to my boxers. I jump in the water and begin to play with the numerous young children. I give Minho a look and he rolls his eyes. He gets undressed and jumps in beside me. 

Soon enough the kids fully trust us so I see it as the perfect time to start asking questions.

"Hey, is there by any chance older kids my age in this town?"

The little girl nods, "Yeah! We have a couple!"

"Can I meet them by any chance?"

She nods, "sure! why though?"

I give her a little pat on the head, "I want to make more friends."

She lets out a little giggle, "Alright! Follow me!"

The girl, Minho, and myself all get dressed. Then Minho and I follow the little girl, hoping we can talk to these older kids.

Rescuing- Stray Kids FF (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now