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Minho slowly leads us, if we make a single wrong turn we could instantly get lost. Everyone kept quiet, not daring to break Minho's concentration. He suddenly stops and looks up. We all follow his gaze to see a manhole above us.

"Shit," Minho gritted.

"What is it?" Changbin asks with worry.

Minho pointed upwards and all of our hearts drop when we see what made him curse. The ladder we had to take was broken and rusted. We all began to look around, desperate to find the other part of the ladder. 

I sigh and sit on the ground in frustration.

"Great! Just great, how are we going to get to District 9 now!"

I am so mad! We did all this for nothing! Someone puts their hand on my shoulder and I look up to see Hyunjin.

"Listen, this is only a minor set back, let's just calm down and find a solution to our problem."

Everyone brushed off Chan's words. We're too tired too handle this or think rationally. 

"Hey! Get yourselves together! I know this is hard but suck it up! People's lives and freedom are on the line!"

We all are surprised at Seungmin's sudden outburst.

"Seungmin's right!" Jisung added.

"We need to stay strong, otherwise we lose this battle that we just barely started!"

I sigh, "Alright, let's hurry up and find a new way. I'm exhausted."

We all look to Chan, he nods and turns to Minho.

"Is there any ways we can take asap that won't set us back majorly?"

Minho studies the map, "yes."

One by one the others eyes light up with hope. I can feel my own heart begin to fill with hope.

"We will need to take this way," Minho shows Chan.

"We will be entering the forest through a drain that pours out into the lake. So prepare to get wet everyone."

We all groan but go along with it anyways. After all, it is our only way.

Rescuing- Stray Kids FF (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now