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Seungmin and I are just walking around aimlessly.

"Ah! Why is it so hot!" I whine as I toss a rock.

"All there is the sun, dirt, and dry fields. I can't wait to leave this place."

I sit down on a large rock behind the factory and pout my lip. Seungmin sits next to me and stares out at the vast land in front of us. I look up and see Seungmin smiling at the sunset.

"What's with the smile?"

He chuckles, "It's just...."

I stop slouching to face him, "What?"

"It's just I actually feel at peace for once. Like we can sit here and complain about the weather. Before all this, I was constantly thrown around. Whether it was boarding schools or foster care systems I never had a place to call home. So I was just miserable and became a trouble maker and never trusted anyone. But now I have you guys, who are like brothers. And even though we don't have a definite home, we are heading towards one. For the first time since I was 5, I am actually happy and have hope."

Sungmin's words fill my heart. I know exactly how he feels.

"Whatever happened to your parent's?" I ask him.

Seungmin purses his lips, "I don't quite know to be honest."

I give him a puzzled look and he starts to explain before I can open my mouth.

"My parent's basically abandoned me as a kid and ran off together. I was given to my grandparents who were absolutely loaded. They said that my parents asked for a bunch of money and were about to elope but accidentally made me. So they just gave me to my grandparents and left. I grew up hated by my grandparents because I was something dumped upon them by their child and son-in-law. So once I turned 5 or so they put me into the foster care system because they didn't want me anymore."

He turns to me, "how about you?"

Suddenly all my memories of home come flooding back. Ever since I left I didn't once think of my family, and instead focused on my new family.

"Well at first I had a pretty normal family. My dad was always a bit strict but my mom made up for it with her kindness. My sister has always been a brat but got worse after my mom got sick. My mom fell ill when I was about 7 or 8. She made most of the money so when she became bedridden my dad had to work constantly just to support us. Eventually, the stress got to him and he turned to alcohol. His temper got worse especially when he drank. Soon enough he started taking it out on me. At first, it was a beating here or there, but soon it became constant. I was forced to constantly take care of the house and the rest of my family. And if I slipped up my dad would beat me while my sister would watch and pick on me. I left because I got sick of it, he even threatened to throw me on the streets and have me end up in a work camp."

We both sit in silence, happy that we have new lives, but sad that the other had to go through such hard times.

We watch the sun go down, and soon the whole sky lit up with stars. We look up in amazement, since there was no light you could see endless stars.

"I'm glad I found you guys," Seungmin says.

I feel a tear slide down my cheek.

"I'm glad too."

Rescuing- Stray Kids FF (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now