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We couldn't believe our eyes, where had all these kids come from!? Chan walks away with the leader to talk. What on earth could they be talking about? The 2 come back after a couple of minutes and stand where everyone can see them.

"Hello to all the newcomers! I am Chan and have been trying to build a rebellion for a while now. My group and I are heading to District 9 to build a base there. Along the way, we have been spreading news of our plan. I just talked to your leader and both groups seem to have similar goals."

Chan stepped aside for the other boy to talk.

"For now we will spread the word for Chan, then we will meet him up at District 9. Chan and them will be heading on their way very soon now, so lets split ways and work hard!"

All of us shouted in response, things were finally going smoothly. We all said our goodbyes, and then our small group of 9 headed back into the sewers. Once again we were plunged into darkness, none of us could see ahead of us. Minho turned on a flashlight and we did a head count. 

"Alright, looks like everyone's here," Minho said to Chan. 

Chan nodded and had Minho lead us through the sewers once again. I walked up towards Minho and looked down at his map.

"Where are we heading to now?" I ask.

Minho points to a location, it is a town on a giant lake completely surrounded by woods.

"We will be getting out at the town here," he points to a place on the map.

"Then we will trek through the woods over to this town." He points to the other town.

"From there we will take the sewers once again."

I nod, "What do we do from there?"

"We will stop at one last town, then travel the sewers the rest of the way and arrive at District 9. It will take us a week or so to get there."

Everyone groaned, this trip was already draining us and we are only 3 days in. We all continue to follow Minho, determined to take on the challenge ahead of us.

Rescuing- Stray Kids FF (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now