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My head is pounding, what the hell happened. I sit up swiftly and instantly regret it. My head starts spinning and my vision gets blurry. I bend over and suddenly I start puking. When I finish my memory hits me like a truck. I panic and look around, I'm in a cement room illuminated by one single dim light. The others are all knocked out on the ground. It smells horrible in here, especially because of my barf. I get up and start trying to wake everyone up. I remember that we got chased in the woods, then we got shot by tranquilizers, and now we are here. The others are finally moving a bit after I shook them. First up is Woojin, he looks around in disgust.

"Wh-where..... are we?"

He was barely able to get the words out because he was so nautious.

"Ju-just take it easy. There's a puke corner over there if need be."

The others started slowly coming to, a couple of them puked like I did. Whatever was in those tranquilizers was making us extremely sick. We waited for hours in silence, too exhausted to move, speak or even think.

Then at the 3rd hour, the door opened and a guard came in. Actually, I think he's an official because of the fancy clothing and hat he he's wearing. He looked down at us with an evil smile, but then he scrunched up his nose in disgust. He looked over at the area where had spilled our guts and looked back at us.

"What disgusting creatures," he walks over to me.

I stare up at him, he swung his foot at me and kicked me to the floor. I began to cough hysterically, that really hurt. The others scrambled over to me and helped me up. Chan handed me over to Felix and stood up.

"Hey, show a bit more compassion, we've done nothing to deserve such violence."

The man was taken back by Chan's words. He lifted his hand and brought it down, but Chan caught it before the man could slap him.

The man muttered something and ignored Chan.

"Put them to work."

The man left and a bunch of guards came rushing in. They roughly dragged us out of the room and down a hallway. As we scuffled along I saw several miserable looking kids stare at us. We must be in a work camp. My suspicions were confirmed when we turned the corner and came upon a factory line. Kids were assembling, welding and iron working many things. The guards began to separate us. I reached out to Chan and grabbed hold of his hand.

"Don't let me go!"

We were desperately holding onto each other, but the guards managed to pull us apart.

"I'll come back for you!"

I felt tears swelling but refused to let them fall. I look around and see the other members being pulled apart. Felix and Woojin desperately trying to stay together, Jisung and Seungmin fighting just to get to each other, and Hyunjin trying to protect Jeongin. One by one we were separated and put onto different work stations and some were even taken to other areas in the camp. 

I am put to work at a welding station, I feel so weak and can barely manage to do anything. 

"Hey! Do better or I'll have to hit you!"

I quickly get back to work and try to do better. I feel all hope in me die, how am I ever going to get out of this mess.

Rescuing- Stray Kids FF (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now