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It was a gloomy day just like any other day in this miserable camp. As I bend over and begin to pick away at the stone my back aches and my knees crack. The nonstop labor had really begun to take its toll on my body. 

"Hey, kid! Go help control the line of kids coming in!"

I groan and roll my eyes but do what I'm told. They have been trying to recruit us older kids to become guards. I don't ever want to be like them so I keep refusing. Yeah, I get kicked around because of it but I'm used to it at this point. I join the other guards and help look over kids papers. I hear a familiar voice and look down the line to see who it is. What the..... is that Changbin? It is! I hide my excitement as he passes by and glances at me. He recognizes me immediately and gives me a signal to find him later.

Night falls and I sneak out of my room to go find Changbin. I was able to look through his papers earlier and saw he was in barrack 9. I snuck down the halls, careful not to get caught. I finally arrived and quietly entered. I turned on my light to the lowest setting so it wouldn't disturb anyone. I see Changbin all the way at the end and make my way to him.

"Hey, hurry and get up!" I hiss as I shake him.

He groans at me and starts to wake up. Once he has his boots on I lead him to my hiding spot. We slip through the base with ease. We finally make it to the back door.

"Wait won't an alarm go off?" Changbin asks with a panicked voice.

I laugh, "just follow me."

I slowly open the door and slide out, Changbin does the same. I lead him to a staircase and we tiptoe to the top. We come to the roof and I rush over to a small shed. I take something out of my pocket and quickly pick the lock. I open the worn, wooden door and gesture for Changbin to go in.

"Woah, how did we not just get caught?" Changbin says as his jaw drops.

I laugh once again, "I've learned a couple of things. I've always liked video games and electronics, so I eventually figured how to disarm the doors alarm. Then I did some searching around and found this little place. I am assuming it was made for tools when the facility was first made. I quickly learned how to unpick the lock and made this my own little hideaway."

Changbin nods as he looks around, he rubs his chin and looks to me.

I grin, "so what's the plan?"

I've been so desperate to get out of this damn place. Seeing one of the members especially Changbin is giving me hope of an escape.

"Well it's still in the works but this is what I have so far. I've already met up with Hyunjin, Seungmin, and Woojin. They all transferred to other bases and are finding the rest of the group. Then we will all meet up here and escape. I don't have anything past that, please tell me you have an idea of how to escape."

I give him a smile and wave him to follow me. I lead him out of the shed to the left edge of the roof. I make sure no guards can see us and that no spotlights are coming our way. I point out in the distance.

"They have jeeps, we can use those to drive down the road and smash through the gate. Then we can drive them until we run out of gas. Hopefully, we will have managed to find a way to slip away afterwards because otherwise, the guards will catch us once again. I think if they catch us again that they will just end up killing us. So we'll have to make our escape count."

We both slip back into the shed and sit down.

Changbin is thinking, I can see the gears in his mind spinning. 

He looks to me, "that's brilliant, in the meantime, we need to become guards so they aren't suspicious of us in any way."

"But they are the whole reason we are in this mess, why would we want to become one of them!?"

My blood boils at the thought of becoming just like our captors.

"Woah, we won't be like them, just think of it as a disguise, with maybe even a little bit of acting for good measure. Don't worry, we won't hurt anyone."

I look down and then back up, "alright."

For another hour we plan our escape, then we slip back to our barracks and fall asleep.

Rescuing- Stray Kids FF (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now