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I stiffly walk in line with Changbin.

"How did you even manage to get us transferred?" I ask him.

"That's a secret, just be quiet and follow my lead."

Thankfully right from the beginning Changbin and I had been put together. Somehow in the span of only 6 days did he make it up in the ranks and manage to get us transferred. Supposedly from the info I gathered 2 of the members are in this building. This one is slightly larger than the one we were originally in. We finally arrive at the door, which just happens to have a guard in front of it.

"Papers," the guard demands.

Changbin hands him our paper and the guard looks the over. My heart skips a beat and I hold my breath. I hope they don't catch onto our plan, I don't feel like being put in isolation. The guard stamps our papers and waves us through the door. 

Changbin and I head to the assignment station and wait in line.

"So what exactly is your plan?" I whisper to Changbin.

"Well from what you and I gathered there are at least 2 other members in this facility, correct?"

I nod.

"Then the other members must be spread throughout the other few buildings. So we find each member one by one, work our way up in the ranks, and discreetly transfer to one building altogether. Then we make a plan to escape. We need to do this asap otherwise our rebellion will die down and the once small flame will extinguish."


Changbin and I get assigned to our new stations and quickly get to work. In order to make it up in the ranks, you need to do your assigned job perfectly. You need to be fast, efficient, put in lots of work even some overtime, and don't make mistakes. I was assigned to working on metal while Changbin is in welding. I hold the metal as he welds it and we create weapons and other materials for the governments use. All the while we try to keep an eye out for any members.

" You two, go on the slower assembly line over there and try to speed it up."

We both look at where the guard is pointing and make our way over. I line up a to the kid next to me and look over at him.

I gasp, "Seungmin!?"

Rescuing- Stray Kids FF (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now