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I can tell everyone is tired but we still have to hold on. At this point, we've been walking for a day straight with 0 breaks and we've been rationing our stuff as much as possible. Not to mention the rest of the group isn't used to the sewers I am. So I've been trying to make this as easy as possible for everyone.

"Just one more mile after this turn guys."

I give everyone a bright smile because even Chan is losing his usual optimism. Jeongin seems to be doing the worse. Thankfully Hyunjin noticed that and has been supporting him as much as he can. 

After an hour I come upon our savior, a rusty old ladder that leads to a street above. 

"Here it is guys, follow me!"

I put the map away in my bag and hustle up the ladder. With one grunt and a large shove, light floods my vision. I climb out and onto the hard concrete. Dry gravel cuts into my palms, but I could care less. All that matters is I'm out of the wet, dank sewer tunnels. I crawl a little farther and collapse on the ground. I look up and am blinded by the bright sun. I put my hand up to shield my eyes. I look around and see we came out just where I planned. I smile, man am I good. The others slide out of the sewers and plop down next to me. 

A figure stands in front of me, "where are we Minho?"

I laugh, "somewhere not the sewers."

Chan kicks me playfully, "come on tell me!"

I roll my eyes, "An abandoned factory in a very small town."

I sit up, "fun fact this used to one of the major coal mining towns. But because of the war, the government ran it dry. Now it's a tiny," I pick up some sand and gravel. It falls through my hands, "dried up town."

Chan nods, "perfect, let's check it out."

Rescuing- Stray Kids FF (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now