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All I could think about was the others, are they ok? All that I know is that Seungmin was put in the same section as me. I have to try and find him. I keep digging and fill up the wheelbarrow. I don't even know what they need all this sand harvested for but whatever. I've got 3 more hours before my break then I can continue my search for Seungmin. In the meantime, I just dig sand, unload it, and keep an eye out for Seungmin and any other member. I've been trying to get information out of the other kids but they barely tell me anything. They are basically zombies who only work, they don't even socialize much on their breaks. 

Finally, the bell sounds and I rush over to the cafeteria. I grab something quick to eat and drink and head out to search the facility. I have 30 minutes to eat my food and try to find Seungmin. I run down hallways all while avoiding guards. I check bathrooms, barracks, even other work stations, nothing. The bell goes off again and I run back outside to my work station. 

The rest of the day goes by miserably, how will I ever find Seungmin. This work camp is so big and I have such little time. All I do is dig, unload, dig, unload, for 10 hours a day. We've already been here for 3 days, what if that turns into 3 weeks, then 3 months. Some of these kids have almost been here for a year. What will happen to our rebellion!? The second bell goes off and I head towards the cafeteria for the last time today. All we get is 2 measely meals, I am trying so hard not to lose hope. I don't know how much longer I can hold out, I really need to find Seungmin or just one of the members. 

"Alright! Mealtime is over runts! Head to bed!"

We all get up and form a line. Slowly we head to our assigned barracks. I keep my head down, I'm so exhausted and worn out. I look up and gasp. I see Seungmin! He looks so stern and worn out, it's a little scary.


His head snaps up and he sees me and gives me a huge smile.


We break out of our lines and run over to each other and embrace.

"Oh my god, I've been looking everywhere for you!"

He looks at me, "how did you know I was here?"

I smile, " I asked around telling kids each of the members' descriptions. One of the kids said he saw you and that a person talking to you called you Seungmin. So I went out on a limb and have been desperately looking for you."

Before Seungmin could say anything guards started separating us.

"Meet me at lunch tomorrow at the second cafeteria!" He said as he disappeared in the crowd.

The guard shoves me into my barracks and slams the door. I look around and see all my other bunkmates are already settled in. I walk over to my bed and lie down. I fall asleep instantly.

The next day I got ready really fast and went straight to work. I wanted the lunch bell to hurry up and ring so I could rush to the second cafeteria. I didn't even know that there was a second cafeteria.  

I lean over to the kid next to me, "hey, do you know where the second cafeteria is?"

He doesn't respond at all, then after a minute, he looks up at me.

"Yeah..... it's near the welding station in the second half of the building."

I thank him and we get back to work. I had a general idea of that area so I should probably be able to find it.

The bell finally rang so I finished my last load and sprinted to the second part of the building. I dodged and weaved past kids and avoided guards. I passed the welding station and started looking around. I saw a bunch of kids piling in a room so I went in. Yes! I found the second cafeteria! I look and instantly spot Seungmin. I rush over to him and sit down across from.

"You made it!"

I nod and smile.

"Ok, we don't have much time. So I'll tell you what I can."

I lean in ready to take in all the info Seungmin has gathered. 

"Alright, so this facility is 2 buildings bridged together. On your side, you guys gather resources, which comes over to us and we make it into something useful for the government. I'm assuming there are a couple of other buildings just like this holding the other members."

"Then we are going to have to find a way to get to the other buildings so we can find them and break out of here." I say.

The bell goes off and lunch is over.

"I'll meet you here again tomorrow," I tell Seungmin.

He nods and I race back to my work station.

Rescuing- Stray Kids FF (Book 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora