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The water we have to trudge through is waist deep and smells just awful. I  can honestly at this point say I'm sick of the sewers. The water suddenly starts to get shallow, I look up and see light at the end of the tunnel. I get excited and turn back to Minho. He smiles and nods. 

"Everyone! we're here!" I shout with pure joy.

We all quickly stuff our belongings in our waterproof bags and make a run for it. Woojin and I run the same pace, we look at each other with giant grins. The light gets closer and closer with each step. My heart beats with excitement and anticipation. Woojin runs ahead of me and disappears, what the.......

Before I can finish my thought the ground beneath me disappears and sunlight surrounds me. I look down, I'm falling! Before I can yell out my body hits the water beneath me. The force of the impact shocks my body and I can't manage to swim to the top. I panic and try to get my body to move. My survival instincts kick in and forces my body to move. I break the surface and look up, everyone is still on the ledge looking down at me. Thank God they are safe.

I only count 7 figures, oh God where is Woojin!

I whip around desperately looking for my friend.


I go under the water hoping to see him, I feel myself run out of breath and head back up. I keep looking, oh please be ok! Suddenly a figure appears next to me.


I swim over to him and hug him.

"I got worried, what took you so long!"

He gasps for air, "I panicked at first and almost didn't manage to make it."

My heart drops, what if he hadn't managed to get to the surface? Would I have been able to find him or would I have been too late and he died. I need to be a better leader.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have rushed us like that. Let's try to be more careful next time ok."

He nods and we both head to shore. One by one the others jump down and all get onto shore safely. We soon begin to set up camp and get ready to eat. We catch fish from the lake and roast it. All of the boys are laughing and happily conversating. If I want this to be a regular thing I need to be a better leader. As they all continue their fun I get up and sit at the edge of the lake alone. I think of what would happen if we lose a member, it would be devastating. It would be even worse than being caught and put in a camp. Someone sits down next to me, it's Woojin.

"Chan don't beat yourself up about today. Or for any other day for that matter. I know you think that you did something wrong but you've been nothing but amazing. You're a great leader Chan, but even great leaders have their faults. When that happens we are here to help your back to your feet."

I look back to see all the members surrounding me. They all smile at me and nod. I've never felt more supported in my life.

Rescuing- Stray Kids FF (Book 2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz