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James " why that's why we have freaks like you."
Grayson" I am not a FREAK!"
James" yes you are. Take a good look at your self."
Grayson " FUCK! YOU!"
James " this freak need to be put in place."

Before Grayson could run Two of James Friends walk over to him and holds his arm on both sides. James walk over to him. James starts to laugh. Grayson spit at James. James immediately stop laughing at looks right at Grayson.

He punched Grayson in the face. Grayson moans in pain. James laughs will saying " looks like some one likes it." He takes another swing. He beats Grayson in tell he was black, blue, and red. His friends let go  of Grayson. Greasy immediately pass out.

Grayson's point of View:

All I could feel was pain all over my body. Then I Felt so  warm. I could feel and see red liquid all over me. Then my eyes get very tired. As
soon as they let me go I let the darkness consume me. Because it felt so conferring at this moment. Then I feel nothing at all.

Once I open my eyes I see nothing but a light. I look around to see the sun has gone down. I look up to see a Street light. Then I slow get up. I lose my balance for a bit but I immediately got it back. I stumbled a little bit but I made it home. I walk in to the door.

My mom comes running in to the room. She hugged me then immediately hits me.
Mom"where the hell have you been."
Me" I just got the crap beaten out of me."
Mom"you got in a fight."
Me"no I was jumped."

Before my mom could say something she was pulled back from my dad. She was thrown on the floor. I try to help her up but my dad push me away from her.

My mom yells in the back " run Grayson! Don't come back!" I did not take a I  minute to think I bolted out of the house. I could here my dad yelling behind me as I ran.

The day I ran away bxbxbWhere stories live. Discover now