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I did as he told me to. I see Dally give off a smile. He opens his eyes slowly. I smile at him.

Dolly " here?"
Me/Dagger " no not yet."
Me" come on let's go."
Dagger " this is our last stop we should use the bathroom."

We walk out of the car. The twins behind us. We where getting stared at. Dolly looks at the ground and gets closer to Dagger. While squeezes my head tight.

Voice -1 " don't get to close. I Heard it was contagious"
Voice-2" I heard if you feed them they eat you."
Voice-3" I heard they eat your kid up."
Voice-1" they will eat us if we look to long,"
Voice-3" don't feed the freaks."
Voice-2" don't even look at them."


I guess a man did not like me cussing. Because he has a small kid with him. But I could not take it no more. People are rude. That's when the man hits me. He takes a swing at my nose.

I stumble back. Dagger swing at the man. Soon the twins join. Dolly was so scared he could move.
There was a fight. People where hitting each other. Blood was going even where.
I was using my head.i grad Dollys hand. Then I moved all the kids out of the way.

I know that the kid were scared. Because they would not stop screaming and crying.

Me" do you kids want see some thing." They where not paying attention. They still screaming and crying.

I took off my hand. One kid noticed. He stops and yells cool. So the other kids stop and look at my arm.
Girl " does that make you a pirate?"
Me" guess so."
Boy " how do you lose your arm."
Dolly " treasure"
Me" one day I was looking for my treasure. When other pirates attacks us."
Girl cuts me off. Girl " are those your pirates crew?"
Boy " are they fighting our mommy and daddy because they took your treasure?"
Dolly "no"

Me" yes they are crew? And I lost my arm fighting for my treasure. You parents took more then our treasure."
Boy/ girl " what"
Me "our Pride."
Boy/girl " how."

I put my arm back on.
Dolly " not nice,"
Me" because it not nice to be mean. Even if some one looks different. We are people are we all have feelings." Before the kids could ask anymore questions i here mr yelling.

Dolly froze up. Dolly stared to cry I hear him whisper. Dolly "sorry" over and over. I put my hand on his shoulder he jumps.

Mr" every one back to the cars!"
I help Dolly up as I walk away I hear the kids say" bye." I smile and walk back in with Dolly.

Dagger runs over and hugs Dolly. Dolly" D-Dolly's sorry." Dagger starts to cry.

Me "what happen."
Dagger " Dolly stared to get scared once we stared fighting. It must have scared him more when mr yelled. We where rise around this and toucher.he just use on saying sorry. Hopping that would not get a beat."
Me" should Mr know not to?"
Dagger " yes that why he made a rule to try no to yell. Mr probably got so mad he forgot."
Me" what do we do with Dolly?"

Dagger " clam him down." Dagger took a set. He puts Dolly in his lap. I watched as he Rock Dolly back-and-forth. I can here Dagger saying "Every thing okay, you going to be okay,and I got you now." After a hour of watching Dagger clam Dolly down. Dolly has fallen a sleep on Dagger. His head rest peacefully on Dagger chest.

Me" how you know to that."
Dagger " this is not the first time that this has happened. But he has not done this in a very long time."

I could not say anything back. I just set there a look at Dolly. I feel bad for him. I feel worthless. I did not know how to help him.

Dagger " I saw you Dolly,and you with the kids."
Me" me ya I love kids."
Dagger " I think they annoying little things."
Me" I love them because they are so incense. They are pure of them all. They don't really understand how society works just yet. Thats why you can help and and show how to be. But to day kids are being poison by society."
Dagger " I can see why you say that."

Then I feel the car stop. I see the door opening. I see Mr step on.

Mr" what in the hell was that!" He yells while walking in to the car.

Twins " they started it."
Dagger " mr don't yell. I just got Dolly clam and a sleep."
Mr" sorry. I completely forgot got."
Me" they where making fun of us in front of their kids. Acting like they are all high an mighty."

Mr" I have high standers for you kids."
Twins " we are sorry."
Dagger " I can't believe I am saying this because I hate this I hate this word s-sorry Mr."
Me" sorry."

Mr smiles at all of us. And looks at me.
Mr " you and Dolly did the thing for the kids."
Me " that you."

Mr gets off of our car. I watch as mr walks to his car. Then I look at Dolly on how peacefully he looks while he a sleep. I can't not imagine on how broken he was.

I finally let sleep over take me. I was tired to keep fighting it. Before my eyes closed I think I saw Dagger smile at me and me then look down at Dolly.

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