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I got up the next morning excepting people packing up. But instead they where pulling stuff out. how do I know this. Some left the door right open and I can see people putting stuff up.

I see Dagger and Dolly they where coming in the room. Quickly looked away and throw the blanket over me. Hopeing  they did not see. But  I knew that they had. I can't look at them after what I did. Dagger did push me back. That made stumble and fall. When I kissed him. Dolly did nothing but kissed back.

I close my eyes. I just want this day to end. Then I feel the blanket get pull off of me.i did not open my eyes. I did not have it in me to look at them. I fucked up big time.

I hear a small but smooth voice. I instantly knew that was Dolly. Dolly" 12" if you could not tell by now he dose not talk a lot.

Dagger " have to get up you only can sleep in in tell 12." Dagger voice was Deep and rough.

Me" leave me alone. I fucked up."
Dagger " you may have fucked up. But we can't be mad at you. You are one of us."
Me" I am just a disgusting horn bog."
Dagger " may be true. But we need to go shopping."
Me" why"
Dagger " you need a dress up clothes for to night."
Me " what to night."

Dolly " party."
Dagger " it a party for us just to have fun."

I roll over I don't even want to look at them.i feel so sick and gross. I mean who in there right mind would do that. Kiss two boys that you just meet. Me I guess. Only me would do that.

Then I fell some one pick me up. My best guess it was Dagger. I have comfortable pants on and a baggy anime T-shirt on. I try my very best to move out of his grip. It was not wroth it he stronger then me. Dagger " Dolly get his shoes we are leaving." I see Dolly pick up my shoes and follow me and Dagger.

We got out of camp he puts me down. He dose not let go of my wrist in fear that I will fun off. Even though I keep telling I will not.i heat this place. We are not freaks. A lot of people call us rude names but mostly freaks cam out of there mouths.

We finally got to that small shop. We walk in the the person smiles at us we smile back. Dagger starts to look around.

Dolly " I liked it."
Me" what?"
Dolly just walk off with a smile. He walks over to Dagger and follow him around. Dagger here.
He gives me a button-down white shirt, black pants, and a black shiny shoes.i smile at him we payed and walk back to camp.

While we where walking back I was thinking what dose he mean that he liked it. I was being gross. I was being stupid and not thinking. I really heat my self.

When we got back to camp there was loud music playing. There where lights every where. There was table full with food. People Dancing other where talking. They where all Dressed up and look like they where have fun. I smile because this place looked amazing.

Dagger " come on we need to change we took way to long." I smile at Dagger and we walk to our camp. We changed. I could not help it . I look at Dolly. He was so cute shirt less. But my eyes immediately saw scars covering his back and stomach.

I feel a hit on the back of my head. My immediate rest" that hurt."

Dagger " he dose not like it"
Me"what "
Dagger " when look or even stare are his scars"
Me" what happen?"
Dagger " it not my place to tell you."
Dagger " if you want to know you
Going to have to ask him."

Dolly walk over to us. We walk out of the camp and walk to where ever one was. We walk over to mr because he gave us a single to come here .

Mr" we do this ever 5 weeks. It just a i thought it would be nice. Something that would make everyone happy. Because it my job to
Make you people happy and safe. I use to
Be rich man. My mum and Father are very wealthily. My life changed when my mum and father ignored my baby sister. She was 14 at the time I was 19. I was not able to see or talk to her. She was all ways looked on the room. Once I lifted the house I took her with me. We started the freak show together. Then a year later I lost do to depression. I am going to keep this place up and running in tell the day I pass Away. Giving you people a life. I this is my life now. Thanks to my baby sister."

Me " what was wrong."
Mr" she was missed a leg and arm."
Me" what happen?"
Mr" car crash."
Me" was that the one by the car wash on May 4"
Mr" yes why"
Me " your father crashed in my car. I lost my arm the same day."
Mr" boy. I am sorry my father took a lot form you."

I just felt so sick after that. My heart hurts. It all ways make me feel sad when I think what happen. I stared to cry. Dagger and Dolly walk over to me.

Dolly gives me a hug. Then he hurry back to Dagger. He looks on the grown.

Dagger " I know this is hard."
Me" I am fine let's have fun."
I put on a big fake smile. To show that I was okay. But I really was not okay.

The day I ran away bxbxbWhere stories live. Discover now