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I opened my eyes to see that I was not in the car. I was in our camp. I look around to see only two beds side to side.i look down to see Dolly asleep by me. I could not set up because he was kinda of on top. What I mean about that his leg and arm was on top of me. I look too see Dagger walking to us.

Dagger"you know you two are very hard go get up. Both very stubborn will sleeping.

Me"sorry. What happen to the beds?.
Dagger'' someone took some things  Took 4 beds. Other things. So
For now we have to share two.

I feel Dolly moving I look down at him
.  He was moving in his sleep. It was so cute. I had to smile at him. He slowly opened his eyes. He smiles at me. Me he's up and hugs Dagger. Dagger hugs back

                 ( 3 months)
Let start off by me saying I love here. I been dating Dolly for two months
Now. I still really like Dagger. But all my attention goes right to Dolly.

Dagger has been really needy. He been needing me or Dolly a lot more. But he will do nothing but talk.

Dolly was still shy. But every at camp where surprise. That now he would go behind me or Dagger. He talks to us but not a lot. But when other people try to talk to him he dose not say anything back.

Me and Dagger try so hard to get him to talk but it was worthless. He dose not like humans. Why can I say I don't blame him. I under stand his pain I think we all do.

Dagger' we need to get ready. We have a show too put on.

I smile after at Dagger he smiles at me. Then I feel someone put their hands on my waste. And hug me. I'll knew it was Dolly.
I Hugh him back

Me" Dolly you need to get ready. He let go we both can get ready.i hurry and got ready.

Ones I was done I my eyes could not help but to stare at Dagger. he was smileing and let out a Chuck. I look down as fast as I could. But I knew he caught me staring. He did not stay anything but just walk out.

Will fuck he knows that I was looking at him. I was biting my lip. I bit down to hard and i moan in pain. I can taste blood. I was fine with it. Because I get turn on by pain. But I never did like it when I was beaten to death by them. That was taking things why l way too far.

The day I ran away bxbxbWhere stories live. Discover now