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Dagger p.o.v:

I could not take it no more.the day I saw him I knew he had to belongs with me. It was like we where distention to be together.

When I first saw him he made the voices talk to me. They go louder and louder as time passed. They said  horrible but sweet things to me.

Vocies 1" KILL HIM"!
Vocies2" let watch the blood leave him"
Vocies 1/2" to show that you love him make blood leave his body. You can be together with him for ever."

My voices in my head lost it when he lefted me. I want crazy but to I was the same.

So I grab Dolly put a gun to his head.i was going to pull the trigger. Some.

I pointed the gun at my other lover and said" have you heard the saying in tell Death do us a part."

Then that's when I close my eyes and then pull the trigger. I open my eyes not to see my lover on the floor but MR.

"Holly fuck!" I just shot mr in the chest. Full of  guilt I put the gun to my head and pull the trigger.

Cyborg p.o.v
I opened my eyes because I accept what was going to happen to me. I can hear the gun it went off but it did not got me. I opened my eyes to see Mr on the floor. I look up to see that Dagger is putting a gun to his head.

I was in shock I could not move all.i could do was watch as Dagger took his own life.

I watch as his body hit the floor. And I could feel Dolly small arms go around my waist. I could feel.him.hugging me.

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