The Other Side of You

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Jennie sat on the other side of the hard nurse's bed, drinking the warm water that the nurse had offered her a minute ago. a blue curtain was placed in between them, to separate the same room into sections. on the other side, laid the unconscious Jungkook.

"you are lucky to have not been hurt anywhere" the nurse mention as she writes down Jennie's report on to the school's health record.

"when do you think he will wake up?" Jennie asked when she heard the last school bell ring. It was now time to go home. they have been in the nursing room for two hours now.

"hmm... I don't know exactly when but let me go check up on him" the nurse said as she went to the other side of the curtain.

Jungkook was already up, listening to their conversation. as soon as the nurse got to his side, he quickly held his finger between his lips and wave his hand for the nurse to come closer.

she did so as he took his phone out, went to his note app, and started typing.

'tell her to go first' Jungkook showed his typing to the nurse as she furrowed her eyebrows before glancing back at him.

"how is he?" Jennie asks from the other side of the curtain after hearing no sound. the nurse quickly walked away from Jungkook and back to Jennie's side.

"I think it's best if you go first or else you'll miss the last bus" the nurse suddenly said.

Jennie looked down on her unlocked phone for the time. right, her driver and mother are probably already outside waiting for her. thinking so, she swiftly puts her backpack on and steps down from the tall bed.

"I'll get going then, thank you" she bowed as she reaches the doorknob. hesitating to open the door, she turns right back, glaring at the curtains as she hopes for him to wake up.

Jungkook stayed still behind the curtains, listening for the door to be shut. but instead, he heard her hesitating to get out of the room. he wished for her to stop and just go without leaving anything behind, not even her words.

"can you also please tell him 'thank you?" she ask, glancing at the nurse, who stood there looking at her back.

these words brought warmth into his investment of blocking all of those gym supplies for her. behind the curtain, genuinely, a small smile curved on Jungkook's lips. but, the smile didn't even last because he was forcing it to fade away before it stuck there forever. 

"ahhh.. yes" the nurse immediately smiles as she pretends to write something down on her clipboard. in this lying situation, she could only do so much for them both.

when the door slammed shut, Jungkook steps out of the bed and peek along with the side drop of the thick blue curtain. it wasn't long until the nurse can see his shadow peeking out and talking to him.

"you heard her didn't you?" she mentions as Jungkook walks over hunching because his back was sore and full of bruises. 

"I feel like my back will break any sooner--"

"don't worry. luckily it was just bruises that will take a while to heal. oh, by the way, you guys were in the same room, why did you have more injuries than her?" the nurse asks, furrowing her eyebrows as she turns away to go grab some medications from the back drawers.

"I fell on top of her, that's why" Jungkook lied, looking everywhere else but her. he felt well, hearing that she didn't have any injuries.

the nurse didn't ask any further questions as she just simply nodded and gave Jungkook some applying medications and bandages so he can wrap them around his back for bacteria prevention.

BETWEEN ME AND YOU ― JenkookWhere stories live. Discover now