6) Crystal Venom

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After saving the Balmera we took off to space again, saying goodbye to all the Balmerans. We weren't doing anything, giving Allura and ourselves time to rest.

"Aris, you're outta this world, and I would know!" Lance told me with a wink.

I laughed at Lance's pickup line, finding it funny and very ineffective, but I noticed Keith glare at him. I excused myself from the bridge and headed towards my room, but I was stopped by Keith grabbing my arm.

"Did you need something?" I asked, feeling weird talking with him since he had ignored me just hours before.

"Coran wants us all in the detainment room"

Everyone was standing in front of a tall tube that held Sendak's body in the detainment room, Coran placing something on it.

"Okay, guys, Sendak's almost all hooked up," Coran told us. "But, look, I have to warn you, this technology was used to keep Altean memories alive, not to interrogate prisoners"

"Coran, we understand this isn't what the technology was meant for but if we can extract Sendak's memories we may gain valuable intelligence on Zarkon's troop locations," Shiro explained.

"Yeah, and then we can just be like, 'knock knock'. 'Who's there?'. 'The avenging fury of Voltron, son!'," Lance added.

"Fascinating. How exactly does this work?" Pidge asked, her face pressed up against the empty glass tube beside Sendak's tube.

"As the memories are extracted they're written bit by bit on individual molecules of the micro-storage strands," Coran explained.

"When I go, I want all the stuff in my brain stored in a giant ship," Lance said.

"The amount of information in your brain could be stored in a paper airplane," Keith told him.

"Oh, yeah? Well the amount of information you have, Keith, could be..."


"Uh... it's less than what I have!"

"Ooh, good one Lance!" Hunk said.

"Alright, boys, no need to fight right now," I told them with a silent chuckle.

"This is how you incorporated King Alfor's memories into the Castle of Lions?" Pidge asked Coran.

"Precisely, but it's never been attempted before on an unwilling participant," Coran said.

We all stood back and watched something glowing enter the tube. Everyone looked confused, even Coran.

"Uh, is this what's supposed to be happening?" Hunk asked.

"Let's give it some time"

Time passed and everyone started to get bored. I was the first to leave, telling them I had to clean my room. After a couple minutes Lance showed up to my room. He came in and threw an arm around my shoulder, smiling charmingly. I raised an eyebrow.

"So, now that we have some time for ourselves, why don't you say we go get something to eat, just the two of us"

"Lance, I don't want you to get your hopes up. Sorry but I'm not interested"

"Aris, come on, are we still training?" Keith asked from the doorway.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a bit"

He nodded and left and my attention turned back to Lance. "Oh, I see, you like Keith," Lance said.

"What?" I asked, shrugging his arm off my shoulder.

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