★The Maze of Misery

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Lies are like waft of cold air embracing me with darkness.

Asking: Why do I feel like lying in emptiness?

Why do I always get confuse
of who to blame?

I even blindly take paths that lead me face to face with my own shame.

Is my faith too weak that I am still caged in wonders?

Or was I long jailed inside mistaken beliefs made of blunders?

The circumstances are really getting into my nerves.

He feels it, she does too. Is this what everyone deserves?

To feel the unwanted desires stirring the minds to commit sins;

Muffling the call of the hearts to rise from the brims?

I want to cease and put this frustration into oblivion-

The hunger and thirst that intensify to keep me away from salvation.

I want to soar high, to be freed from this agony.

Is pure love the only way to escape this maze of misery?

Then I would likely take that medication to get healed,

Even if it causes me to break these unbreakable chains of desires I build.

What is a single intense pain over living a lifetime filled with lies?

Truths don't pour like a rain of alibis.

Would I rather bear the heartaches for a lifetime?

Or would I rather release myself from the grasp of doubts for the meantime?

Love comes in many ways-moves in mysteries.

Act before it's too late. I'm waking up from these odd reveries.

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