★The Lyrical Symphony

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My heart began to throb as I hear it playing—
the music that stirs my soul. Oh, why is it so painful?
I'm deaf by the sound, all I can hear is its lyrics saying:
"You should have said it before. Now I've become hopelessly hopeful."

I don't want to continue listening to the same song again.
I just don't want these tears to brew repeatedly for naught.
A song, a mere song doesn't deserve to become a part of my pain.
Too bad, it'd already lingered on me. I was long caught.

The song is reaching its highest pitch.
Slowly, whilst my heart starts to grow numb,
I remember everything you used to preach,
I remember how I have been so dumb.

It started with a narrative confession,
From a simple poem of admiration to lengthy secretly written love letters.
I was dumbfounded to found out I was already trapped inside obsession.
I'm pathetic to think that you're everything that matters.

No! You are not.
I'm not going to waste time thinking for your answer.
I've decided that I'm going to move on from this one-sided relation. But,
Your aura is so powerful, a smile from your sweet lips can turn my day brighter.

Darn! Why does it feel so good and bad at the same time?
I keep on admiring you coz it's free and doesn't cost a dime.
This song needs to end,
My soul needs to mend.
This is turning into a cacophony,
This once lyrical symphony is going crazy.

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