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I hear the murmur of the wind that says, "Everything's broken can never be unbroken". It's true, no one is going to deviate that fact; however, who would want to stay broken forever? Who would want to raise the white flag without giving a fight? Who would exchange their lives because of depression?

Sadly, the reality shows that a large portion of the population wants to be at ease, they choose to be broken forever, surrender without even trying to fight, the worse, they would want to choose to exchange their one and only life and quit because they couldn't take it anymore.

Broken things are harmful, so do brokenhearted individuals. But what if in some instances you've been broken, would you still continue to become shards that hurt the people who would try to save you? Or would you want to return to being your breakable old self?

Broken things aren't useless, take for example the shards from the broken glass, what could you do to them? Throw them away? Fix them? Or how about transforming them into other things that aren't easily breakable, turn them into things that are stronger, firmer and bolder? Transform the shards into hollow blocks so that they would become firmer. Transform your breakable old self into a better one, be open to accept help, just like how the shards accept to be mixed with the sand to become stronger.

This analogy makes no sense. But it isn't a piece of trash either way. We know it's cliché, but it won't harm us though, we often hear words of advices or give one. Advices we eagerly want to put into realization for we know deep within ourselves that words are only a shallow healing, we need it to become action in order for us to be healed fully. It takes a lot of factor to be able to rise from being caged deep down the abyss. But what's best is to take action that initiates from within ourselves, it is the best thing we could ever give to ourselves, self acceptance, self love, not self harm.

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