★Rant III

41 14 4

Rant III

"Don't give up!"

I've heard it so many times, I heard it whispered, yelled, or spoken normally with conviction. I could simply hear, but I never listen, I never care, I never obey. I never obey because I don't have the confidence to summon my courage anymore, I have given up a long time ago. I have already sheathed my dulled sword, tucked my torn wings, anchored my wrecked boat and stopped composing songs of chivalry, simply because my ink has already dried out. I suppose my journey has already ended, but why do I still breathe? Why do I still feel agony? Why do I still keep on jumping hurdles? Why?!

Have I forgotten the reasons why I still keep on fighting? Have I forgotten that I haven't yet reached the horizon, I haven't found the lost island of my dreams, I still haven't sung the song I've written and I still couldn't even defeat my unseen enemy in battle?

"Don't ever give up!" I heard it whispered, I heard it yelled and I have heard it spoken with conviction, but I have never dared heed it, for I never listen. I'm pure pathetic.

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