★My Warmly Freezing Love

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Embers of fire are rising and falling;
My heartbeats are muffled by the silence,
And my once fervid desires are freezing.

Love it is that I'm constantly feeling.
When she is near the feeling grows intense.
Embers of fire are rising and falling,

When I see her smiles my heart is melting,
But she seems far like she's building a fence,
And my once fervid desires are freezing.

Nonetheless, I tried to seek her, chasing,
Going crazy when I'm near her presence.
Embers of fire are rising and falling.

Again, she's distant and slowly fading.
My warmly love for her was made no sense,
And my once fervid desires are freezing.

To stop or to continue? I'm choosing,
Warmly freezing love, is it with essence?
Embers of fire are rising and falling,
And my once fervid desires are freezing.

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