★The Accident

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One of the rarest incidents in my life. Amidst the fervor of a tiring day, midst the fervid heat of the sun, in a noon, it happened.

Too much keenness can sometimes lead you to an unexpected disaster. It wasn't an awry event, it was purposely given as a challenge to how much faith I have stored in Him.

Scientifically, I was saved by the rush of adrenaline in my blood, filling me with a masochistic desire to grow numb. But I believed more in the spiritual aspect that I was saved by His omnipotent prowess, by one of His undying miracles.

It may be very hard to believe that I survived such incident in the rarest list of tragedy in my life. Tragic and unexpected, fast and numbing, but it never did occur to me to become nervous, as if my senses were dulled by the impact that sent me stumbling along the highway. It can't be helped, my heart didn't even skip a beat nor it did palpitate to unnerve me. I was lost as I walked stiffly away from the scene, floating like I was a ball of gas.

Moving the day forward, under the rise and fall of the drizzles that go cascading and leaving, pain has started to storm the bruises and undesired wounds in my limbs. It felt so good and bad at the same time. The searing pain lingers upon my flesh, cooling me and making me hot simultaneously. The pain is wanting me to become a masochist. However, my mind was hurt to be caged with unpleasant dogmas.

As I went along playing pompous again in writing this unnecessary piece of trash to fill my other pieces of poetry garbages, I prayed. I prayed to God for keeping me safe and from delivering me away from further injury. O hail God who has given me chances to prove to Him how eager I am in serving Him despite my lacking efforts in doing the things that glorify His name.

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