★The Battlecry of the Voiceless

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A boy about my age dresses to look decent,
And a girl about my age hides behind a closed closet.
She is afraid to go outside and let everyone see who she really is,
While he is too discreet to show his glossy and reddy lips.

I sing songs softly to show how much I feel,
While they on the other hand forces their horses with heel,
Afraid to tell and play their wondrous of a tale—
Freighted to show how much farther their stories can sail.

Their boats of  dreams have anchored in the sea of emptiness,
Their once raging desires are now staled and freezing.
Like a caged bird, they're deprived of freedom,
And like a mute, voiceless, their sounds are bygones in boredom.

They lived in a false belief that if they sing songs they'll ruin the harmony,
That their voices are an equivalent to a cacophony.
Society deemed the likes of them. That's what they think.
But the truth is, society needs them to bond a harmonical link.

Their battles are our battles and their cries are our cries under the same sky.
Even if they act differently and have a voiceless battlecry.
We need their hues and they need ours to fill the colors in the rainbows.
She's violet, he's yellow and I'm blue, together, we'll be able to stop the war that brings forth sorrows.

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