★Rant VII

41 10 1

"Just be true to yourself."

I have come to realize that this phrase is not conveying us to change, but it tells us to undress and to show who and what we are when we are bare. The phrase didn't want us to embrace falsehood, it didn't tell us to live behind the lies which we believe to ourselves are comforting us.

"Just be true to yourself," doesn't mean that we have to do something in order for us to look good or for us to blend in inside the society we belong. "Just be true to yourself," is about showing your true colors, it's not about forcing oneself into living inside the shells of others; instead, it means we have to live with our true nature whether it's good or bad.

Being true to oneself should not feel discomforting, so if you're feeling uncomfortable with your current situation, you are not true to yourself.

Free the beast you keep caged inside you, let it run wild if that's what makes you feel comfortable; however, be sure to get ready to face whatever consequences that may occur afterwards.

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