Science - Bruce x Reader

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You had been dragged to one of Tony Stark's infamous parties by two of your friends. "I wanna stay in my room and write!" You whined.

F/N, "No! You gotta get out! Tony Stark is having a party and we are going!" You sighed and got ready, against your will of course.

At the party, your friends went straight to the dance floor to scope out the hot guys. You snuck to the bar and sat, ordering a drink.


Another day, another party that Tony has thrown and dragged me to. I sat at the bar and sipped my drink as a lady sat next to me.

She ordered her drink and said, "Hi." I looked at her. She was beautiful. She had gorgeous H/C hair and E/C eyes. She had a smile on her face as I replied, "H-Hi."

She smiles when the bartender gives her her drink. "Thanks." She tells him. I hadn't realized I was staring until she looks at me while taking a sip of her drink.

"Oh, sorry." I said, blushing slightly. She giggled. A couple of ladies came over to us and said, "Y/N, come dance!"

She whined, "I can't dance!" The other lady said, "We don't care! Let's go!" She whined and they ran off.

She began to get up and asked, "What's your name?" I stuttered, "Banner. Oh, um, Bruce. Bruce Banner." She held out her hand, "Y/N. Y/N  L/N."

I shook her hand, after a moment, she asked, "Wait, Dr. Bruce Banner?" I nodded, she asked, "Aren't you that scientist?"

I chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, y-you like science?" She then nodded, replying, "It's one of my hobbies."

Before we could continue our talk, her friends yelled, "Y/N!" She sighed then turned back to me, "Sorry, gotta go."

She walked over to the dance floor. I watched as she swayed a little to the music. After a minute or so, I looked away.

 After a minute or so, I looked away

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Tony then came over to me. "Why are you just sitting here, Science Bro? Get up!" I groaned, "Do you want Hulk?"

He replied, "Green Guy would be fun. Y'know, smashing everyone." He winked at me and I blushed. Oh, my God.

I glanced over at Y/N. Tony caught my glanced and looked at her. "Hot girl. Brucie's got a crushie." I looked at him, "N-No, I don't."

He only smirked and walked over to her. "Tony! Tony, no!" I set my hand on my hand and groaned. I watched their exchange anxiously.


You had been dancing for a few minutes. You looked at Bruce, seeing him looking at you. You smiled and chuckled when he quickly looked away.

You saw that Stark was with him. After a moment, he started walking toward you, drink in hand, smirk on face.

Your friends saw this and began squealing. "Christ on a cracker." You exclaimed when they squealed in your ear.

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