9. Girlfriend

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Warning for homophobia and single use of a slur

It was Friday when Josh and Tyler were sitting on the couch and doing homework. Josh actually had a lot of math work to do and he was trying to power through it but it was literally impossible. It was like reading a foreign language to him. He just doesn't get math.

He had lasted the week without committing homicide due to Tyler though so that's a plus.

"How the fuck do I solve for y?" He mumbled to himself, rubbing his forehead.

He saw Tyler glance over at his homework. "It's a system. Cancel out x and then you can find y. Which can later help you find x. Also, watch your language."

Josh looked at him like he was crazy. "You sound like you're speaking in Italian."

"Sadly I cannot. I only know French, Spanish, and Portuguese."

"You know—" Josh blinked. "You know Portuguese?"


"Wh— isn't that the computer game with the little people? You know the one where you take the pool ladder out and drown your little people?"

Tyler raised an eyebrow. "It's 'yes' in Portuguese."

"Stop confusing me I'm already struggling with math," he said in an overwhelmed voice.

Tyler sighed and scooted closer to him on the couch so their knees were touching. If he noticed he didn't show it. "Okay so..."

Tyler began explaining what to do but Josh tuned him out, watching him speak. It was almost mesmerizing. He would throw in a big word every so often which made Josh's brain short circuit. Tyler looked so content and in his element when he was being smart that it interested Josh.

Not that he would ever admit that.

"Joshua!" Tyler snapped, his mouth forming into a scowl. "Were you even listening to me?"

Josh scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "No, sorry. I really just don't understand it."

Tyler sighed. "It's alright. I'll explain it again."

The two sat there for the next half hour while Tyler helped Josh finish his homework. After the younger had explained it and helped him to a few problems he finished the rest of it pretty quickly.

"See?" Tyler spoke. "It's not that difficult."

"Thanks, Ty."

"It's Tyler."

Josh smiled and rolled his eyes. "Can I ask you a few questions?"

"Uh..." Tyler moved back to his side of the couch. "Sure."

"What's your school like? Y'know since you go to a fancy Christian school."

Tyler shrugged. "It's like an ordinary school I suppose," he explained. "I take all advanced classes as well as two foreign language classes. However, one as a credit and one as an elective. We have bible class too which I assume you do not," he explained as he put his homework back on his lap and went back to whatever he was doing.

Josh shook his head. "Nope. Enough about education. Got any friends?"

"There's a student named Ryan but I would not call him my friend. More than acquaintances but no where near friends."

"Oh," Josh frowned, feeling sad for him. "Do you have a girlfriend?"

Tyler snorted. "Absolutely not. My mother will not let me date until I am out of college. School comes first."


"Really," Tyler confirmed. He paused. "Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Nah," Josh shook his head. "I haven't dated anyone since last school year when I was with my best friend Brendon."

"Brendon?" Tyler asked cautiously. "Like a boy?"

"Uh, yeah," Josh replied, swallowing. The icing on the cake would be this kid being homophobic. "I like boys and girls. I "dated" this girl Ashley in third grade for a week, this girl Debby for four months freshman year, and then Brendon for two months last year."

Tyler scoffed. "You can't like boys and girls."

Josh raised and eyebrow. "Yes? You can?"

"No," Tyler shook his head. "You're either straight or you're going to Hell. Seems you've picked the later. You're just gay."

"I am not. I'm bi," Josh tried explaining. "There's nothing wrong with being gay but—"

"Oh, yes there is," Tyler interrupted. "It's a sin. You're going to Hell for it. It's disgusting and abnormal and wrong."

Josh was about to say something awful but stopped when he saw Tyler's hand shaking as he wrote down whatever it was on his homework. Something was wrong. "Okay," Josh replied quietly, not wanting to push it. "We don't have to talk about it anymore."

"Perfect," Tyler said shortly, not looking up from his homework.

Josh put his math homework away and got out the book he had to read for English, flipping to the page he left off on.

He was trying to focus on reading but couldn't. What was up with Tyler? Was he really just a homophobic prick or was there more going on?

Suddenly, the younger sniffed and got up. He didn't look at Josh as he set his stuff down. "I'm using the restroom," he mumbled before walking off.

He didn't know why, but that bothered Josh. He didn't think Tyler was walking off because he was so disgusted by Josh liking boys. He was pretty sure it was something more but it wasn't his job to pry. That would only escalate things.

A few moments later Tyler came back and wordlessly grabbed his things before going up to his room, shutting the door loudly.

Josh knew he wasn't supposed to pry but he felt like he should do something. At least check on the kid.

He got up and went up the stairs, stopping when he reached the top. He realized he had never been up here before and let alone knew which room was Tyler's.

However, by process of elimination he picked the one with the closed door. Josh went over to it and knocked. "Tyler? Are you alright? I didn't think me liking boys would bother you."

"Go away. I'm doing homework."


"I don't need some faggot to check up on me. I'm fine. I got tired of hearing your voice. Go away."

Josh's mouth fell open. All the pity he felt for Tyler instantly disappeared and he was filled with hatred towards him. Nothing was wrong. Tyler was upset because Josh was different.

He didn't let homophobic comments get to him so he turned and went back downstairs to finish his homework.

He was starting to think accepting this job wasn't the right decision.

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