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Little lines run up and down my arms. Feverishly red little lines.
Sad little lines.

I cried until the crying turned to laughter.
I laughed as I traced the little lines.

She was so young and beautiful.
Her hair was ink black and flowed like a waterfall.
Her eyes were melting chocolates against an amber sun.
Her skin was gold.
Her lips were vanilla and honey.
She took the sun by a string and carried it with her everywhere.
She pushed the darkness out of my heart. So that's what I called her.
My Sunshine.

And now she's in a hospital bed.
And my heart is dying.
And I can't take it.
My throat is closing up.
I hope she's okay.

So here I wait.
Tracing these little lines.
Hoping my Sunshine won't fade away.

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