Ego sum deus et machina

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I really fucking need help
My brain is broken
Broken broken
Feed me grease and motor oil
Maybe then these gears will work
Drill into my skull and see what's under the hood
Remove all the nuts and bolts and springs tossing loosely throughout my head
Drain the blood
Fill me up with gasoline
Light a match and set me ablaze
I'll sputter to life and run until I die
I breathe fire and exhale thick black clouds
Would you finally love me if I turned into a machine?
I'll replace ligaments for pistons
Veins for wires
Skin to iron
Rip out my eyes and replace them with cameras
I am smoke and fury
I am god and the machine
I'll be your perfect little slave
I'll do anything for you
Just promise me
One thing
Promise me you'll love me?

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