3:45 A.M.

12 2 0

She cut my hair and ego down to size,
With her razor sharp cocoa thighs.
Staring daggers with her eyes.
Lips softer than cloudy skies.
Anyone who hears her speak, cries.

Sugar coated glances.
She doesn't give out second chances.
Around my mind she dances.
She doesn't like cheesy romances.
And if you screw with her, she'll burn you down to ashes.

She's dangerous, that's no lie.
She can silence a room with a single sigh.
The world is her canvas.
She's more holy than Pope Francis.
Her brilliance will leave anybody tongue tied.

Don't fuck with my Goddess.
Her power over me is lawless.
And if she shoots you down, hey at least you got it honest.
If you want to play games with her you better watch out and be cautious.
She's one hell of a woman and her persona is flawless.

Baby please love me!
I'm hurting right now can't you see?
I got down on my knees!
I told you I was sorry!
I'm sorry for being... me.

I woke up and it was all just a dream.
I could still feel the adrenaline pulsing in my bloodstream.
In anger at the world for prolonging my loneliness, I scream.
But it's okay because ONE DAY I'll find my
perfect Queen.

Frozen Peas and Broken KneesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz