Dearest Lucifer

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Tell me,
Which is sweeter,
The bite of the blade?
Or the sting of the tongue?
Was it not your own doing that led you to your fall from grace?
The angel with death on his lips and lies between his strides.


Tell me, Lucifer,
Did it hurt to claw across the ground on your belly up from the depths of Hell?
Was it worth the time you spent with me?
Was it worth the pain you caused?
You were fragile and scared when we met.
Your beauty deceived me as you reeled me in for the kill.


My Dearest Lucifer,
Why did you hurt me like you did?
You fell from your throne in the sky and brought me down with you.
I came crashing into you and we shared your madness.
The scars on my body will never go away, you know.
Why did you let me do that to myself?


You wrapped your claws around me and pressed the blade into my palm.
We stared at it as you wrapped your hands around mine and pierced the silvery blade into my chest.
The blood that came from the wound was cold and bitter,
And I thought that if I cut deeper it would be normal.
Surely at my core, blood runs warm and sweet.
So I slashed and you laughed,
Until I was nothing but bone.
Then, my dearest Lucifer, you smiled and sighed, and batted your pretty eyes,
And told me I was beautiful.
So beautiful I became.
Your words were everything to me so I walked around,
A skeleton with no soul.
But at least you thought I was beautiful.


Alas, dearest Lucifer,
now I realize the fault in my actions.
It was you. You were the fault.
And I was the sheep following the wrong shepherd.
So the next time you find another willing victim,
as your crawl on your belly,
hoping to attach yourself to fresh blood like the parasite you are,
I hope you think of me.
I hope you think of the times we shared,
how you broke my soul,
how you took your beautiful wicked smile,
and used it to carve your way into my heart.
Like an worm in an apple, you seemed so harmless and inviting.
and like a fool, I let you in.
and you ate my heart from the inside out, until I was nothing left but a rotting skeleton.


So let this be my last goodbye to you,

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