Comfortable Sin

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I can't lie, her presence is something I fully indulge in.
I fill up on her love and affection while she talks on for hours.
Her lips are two gentle rose buds, so soft and sweet.
I could spend days inside the galaxy of freckles that scatter her face.
I know I shouldn't,
But I can't get enough of her.

It's truly tragic.
Fate keeps us apart day in and day out.
If only I could hold her in my arms a little bit longer.
Just a minute longer.
Just a second more.
Just one more hug.

I feel the warmth of her skin as I hold her.
The instant she leaves,
The feeling is gone.
Her hair is soft against my cheek.
I can feel her heart pounding against my chest.

I've held her under the covers.
We'd talk about better days and cold weather.
She'd place her lips against my neck,
An almost kiss,
flutter her eyelashes.
A chill would race down my back.
A soft giggle would rise in her chest at my display.

Fuck I miss her.

I want to pepper her in kisses.
I'm not the best knight in armor but I can still protect her heart.
Or can I?
Can I protect her from everything?
From me?

She steals my hoodies and shirts.
They look like dresses on her.
She says they smell like me.
She says it makes her feel comfortable.
She makes me comfortable.

Maybe this is a crime.
But maybe this was meant to be?
Or maybe it wasn't?
It doesn't matter.
I'm fine with this comfortable sin.

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