The Ring

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Today I bought a beautiful ring for a woman whom I fancy.
It's a small sterling silver band engraved with delicate vines.
An elegant band for her beautiful hand,
And silver to compliment her eyes.
I don't know when to give it to her.
Or even if I should.
But I know that I want to give her my heart.
And all that it can hold.
Whether she'll still love me in 10 years or not doesn't matter.
I know she will still matter to me.
She's wrapped around my mind.
No amount of silver could compare to her.
And she's beautiful,
So so beautiful.
Inside and out.
She's an ocean of laughter and warmth,
And I drown in her every time.
Today I bought a ring for a woman whom I fancy.
All I wish for,
is that she was still alive.

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