"Call Me Pom Pom Frizzy"

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Dear little sis,

You're a piece of shit.
But I love you.

You're always there to put up with me.
Through the good times and bad you've stood by my side.

It seems like only yesterday we were climbing trees, scraping knees, and playing hide and seek.

We hid under blanket forts where I would tell you stories until you fell asleep.

Sure we've had falling outs, but we're back and better than ever.

This year's been tough but you've been there with me through it all.
A helpful word of advice when needed.
Comedic relief when I'm down.
A harsh but gentle nudge to talk to that girl I'm too shy to talk to.
I wouldn't trade you for the world.

We get into trouble together.

Rain or shine.
Ride or die.
You're there for me.
You've got my back.

I know I haven't been the best older sibling in the world, but I swear I'm trying.

Thanks for putting up with me.
All my antics.
All my episodes.
Thank you for being there.

I'm glad to have a badass little sister like you.

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