Dear Dad

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How's work?
We really wish you were here.
We hope you have fun on your trip but we wish we could hold you near.

Momma burnt dinner in a pot today.
Sister brought home a boy with funny ears.
Little brother got shot today.
But don't worry, it was just paintball smears.

Dear Dad,

Several weeks have gone by and we still haven't heard from you.
But we are sure you're doing just fine,
Out on the ocean blue.

Sorry I got kicked out of school.
Some kid was beating up Little Sis.
That kid was such a fool
Because when I swing, I never miss.
Besides, she thought I was pretty cool.

I know it was wrong.
But that wasn't right.
And now that image is burned into my sight.

Please come back home soon.
We really are missing you.

Dear Dad,

Now I know why you didn't write back.
I write this as I stare into your coffin bed.
The whole family is here dressed in black.
And the thought of losing you still hasn't sunk into my head.

Momma stood strong this entire time.
The kids left in your coffin their favorite toys.
They were the ones you made for them out of sticks and twine.

We buried you on your favorite hill.
Where we all ate lunch under the sun.
We keep your picture in the window sill.
And often we will visit your grave, after the day is done.

Dear Dad,

We got your note today.
We're glad to hear from you.
Even though it was 6 months late,
It's so good to see your handwriting, that way we know it was truly you.

Dear Family,

I miss you all.
I think of each of you every night.
I hope I can get this message through,
Haha all of you know that I can't write.

Tell Momma I love her, and I'm so proud of her too.
She is my sun, stars and moon.
I love you all with my whole heart.
I'm sure I'll be home soon.

Please be safe and wait for me dears.
No length of earth can keep us apart.
I'll always be here to settle your fears.
Remember that Daddy loves you with all his heart.

I miss you all.
I'll be home soon.
I keep all your letters in my room.
I bring them with me everywhere and wear them over my heart.

Daddy loves you all.
Please be safe.
I'll always be here at your call.
Don't worry about me I'll be home soon.
Love, Dad

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