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I witnessed the death of a baby bird this morning.
It didn't phase me at first.
But now that I'm alone in a quiet place and I can reflect on my day thus far,
It disturbs me.

It was hardly a week old.
It's cold coin sized body limp with fatigue in my hands.
It's eyes were slowly opening and closing.
Opening and closing.
It's chest barely rising and falling.
Rising and falling.

I hand fed it, gave it water through a syringe.
I cupped it's tiny shivering body as close to mine as I could.
I did everything I could to try to save it.

And still the cold took the life of a newborn innocent.

To most this is nothing to worry over.
To me it's a harsh reminder.

A reminder that things like this happen all the time.
That no matter how hard we try, we cannot change alter fate.
That the same things happen to human children everyday.
And worse, most of the time no one is there to comfort them when they die.

Now I'm not that soft of a person myself, but if that doesn't stir something in you, what will?
What a cold harsh reality...
What a cold harsh world...

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