File: PX-4003

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Entry log...

Day 1

A dying planet. My home, if you can even call it that. A red barren planet that used to pulsate with life, now dry and dead.

Gusts of wind blow clouds of red dust delicately across the surface of this crumbling planet.

My kind are all but extinct now. Few of us remain after the last solar wave that passed over our once beautiful home.
Today we prepare the ships. We will pack up everything important and make a treacherous journey to find a new home.

Day 2

We have left our world behind. We now search for a new home in hopes of saving our dying species.

Our skin can't find a proper form to shift to with the constant change of place. Back on our planet, our form would be perfectly suited to withstand the atmosphere and conditions. Some of us even lost the ability to change forms over time. Luckily the ones who still can are here on the ship. I fear the others wouldn't have made it.

We drift on through the darkness in hopes of finding a safe planet. Everyone is growing restless. I myself am starting to doubt that this was the best course of action.

Day 3

We see a blue light in the distance. We shall press forward in hope of good things.

Day 4

It is a blue and green planet. There is signs of life. The natives call it "Earth." We will try to shift to their appearances so that we may blend in. Tomorrow we will make our descent to "Earth."

Day 5

All of my kind have made it off the ship and are starting new lives. All except one, myself. The leader. I have lost my ability to morph. I fear my inability will be troublesome to the "Earthlings" as we now call them.

Some of them are rather barbaric. I've seen them turn on their own kind over simple things. Such as looking different from the rest. I can only imagine what would happen if they were to see me.

But I cannot help but yearn for a life here. Tomorrow I will send the ship adrift and descend to Earth to make peace.

Day 6

I have made contact with Earth. I haven't been seen yet, but I guess that is fine. I just wish to live the rest of my days in peace.

I have encountered my first Earthling. They screamed and flashed strange lights at me. I am much taller and thinner than the Earthlings. My pale white and purple skin isn't anything like theirs. Nor do they have claws. My assumption is that I look like what they call a "mantis."

Yes, I am much too different than the Earthlings. So I will stay in hiding until I expire. To live out my days amongst flora and fauna.

Day 7

I am being hunted by "men" in strange attire. Some in yellow suit and others in dark green. They yell and yell. They carry a deadly mechanic, "guns," they call it. They repeat the same phrase to each other: "once it's found, take it to Area 51!"

I didn't wish to cause trouble. I just wished to live in pea-

End of log...


Subject PX-4003 was successfully captured and contained.

Our top scientists ran multiple test on subject. PX-4003 did not struggle/resist. Subject was later dissected and studied.

PX-4003 spoke what was assumed to be a foreign dialect. However, subject did speak a single English sentence:
"I come in peace."

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