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I come from handmade wicker baskets and soaps that look like seashells.
I am lazy days at the lake and thunderstorms in July.
My home is Granny's chair in the sunroom and summer days in the family pool.
Ice pops and milkshakes fit for a King.
Good memories are sleeping on Grandaddy's chest and listening to Pop ramble on about the news.
I remember days of the whole family getting together for lunch.
I remember my siblings and I were rulers of CVS, heavily equipped with goggles and floaties.
Ask me where my home is and my answer will always be "with my family."
Horse rides and fishing trips were our favorite pastimes.
Orange peanut butter crackers and sun bleached hair.
Cookies and candies were given to us kids, "don't tell your Momma!" Aunts always made sure we had all the junk food we needed.
I remember cardboard castles and feeding the deer breadcrumbs.
I remember Christmas mornings full of laughter and squealing.
I remember hugs and kisses and Saturday morning breakfasts.
I am red clay and white quartz.
I am arrowheads and shark teeth.
I come from a long line of adventurers.
Pioneers on their own.
Art and music flow from our veins.
Life is short but we make it count.
Dancers, singers, hunters, teachers.
We all walk a different road but they all lead back to the same place.
Because family is home.

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